Staff Profiles

Name Position Department
Mrs. Mecca Kgomotso Gaborone Lecturer Sociology
Miss Tsaone Gaborone Computer Technician Information Technology
Mrs Dimpho Gabosianelwe Periodical (E-Resource) Librarian Library Services
Mr. Masalela Ace Gaesenngwe Lecturer Sports Science
Prof. Joseph Balatedi Radinkudikae Gaie Associate Professor Theology and Religious Studies
Miss WINNIE RENEETSWE GALEBOLE Lecturer Communications and Study Skills
Mr. Obonye Galebotswe Senior Lecturer Economics
Mrs. Dipotso Galeforolwe Lecturer Family and Consumer Sciences
Dr Golebamang Galegane Lecturer Communications and Study Skills
Mr. Ontiretse Galekhutle Computer Technician Information Technology

In pursuit of academic excellence