Staff Profiles

Prof. Joseph Balatedi Radinkudikae Gaie

Prof JBR Gaie

Faculty of Humanities

Theology and Religious Studies

Associate Professor

Location: 239/107
Phone: 3552630 (w)71245379/73187754
Email Prof. Joseph Balatedi Radinkudikae Gaie

Johns Hopkins University  Post Doctoral Certificate Bioethics 2012

University of Essex Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy 2000

University of Edinburgh Master of Science in Philosophy 1993

University of Botswana BA Humanities 1991

Seminary For Zimbabwe Diploma in Philosophy 1985

Following MSc training in Philosophy Gaie taught at the University of Botswana for almost a year and proceeded to the University of Essex for PhD. He came back to teach at the UB until he went to the University of the West Indies (Mona Campus) in 2006/2007 where he continued teaching and researching philosophy. He came back to UB and continued his work until he went to John's Hopkins University where he did his post doctoral studies in research ethics. 

He has been involved in teaching practice supervision from 1994 to 2009. He also served as an external moderator for Molepolole and Tonota Colleges of Education. He served as an examiner for the University of Swaziland for a couple of years. He was also involved in different task teams for the development of syllabus at junior and senior secondary levels. He has reviewed articles for different international journals.

Philosophy: Ethics (Meta Ethics, Theory and Applied) 

Ethics and Religions

African Philosophy:  Botho/Ubuntu Ethics



Theory and Applied Ethics (medical, political, professional, Religion) Botho Ethics (HIV/AIDS) 

Traditional doctors and theft (ethical Issues)

Research Ethics, Women Representation in leadership, Ethics and Imprisonment, Ethical issues and condom distribution to prisoners, Botho and HIV prevalence, Moral Education and ethical behaviour

Gaie, JBR The Ethics of Medical Involvement in Capital Punishment A Philosophical Discussion Kluiwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 174pp. ISBN 1-4020-1764-2 2004

Gaie, J.B.R. & Mmolai, S.K. (eds) The Concept of Botho and HIV/AIDS in Botswana. Zapf Chancery, Eldoret. 133pp. ISBN 9966-7185-5-9 2007

Gaie, J.B.R. & K. Hulela “Issues arising from the designation of the teaching profession as an Essential Service in Botswana” BOLESWA Theology, Religion and Philosophy (BJTRP) Vol. 4 No. 4 Journal 2014, pp.

398- 415.  

Metz, T. & Gaie, J.B.R. “The African ethic of Ubuntu/Botho: implications for research on Morality” Journal of Moral Education Vol.39 N0. 3 pp.273-290

Gaie, J.B.R. “Attitudes towards Disability: An example of language in Botswana” in Kabue, S.; Amanze, J.; Landmann, C.: Disability in Africa. Resource Book for Theology and Religious Studies. Acton Publishers, Nairobi,    pp331-350 ISBN  978-9966-888-09-8


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