Location: Block 247-426
I am a lecturer at the University of Botswana (UB) and I hold a PhD from the University of York (United Kingdom). My research interests are: classroom interaction, academic literacy and discourse analysis.
The Communication and Study Skills (CSS) courses that I currently teach are; Communication and Study Skills for Humanities and I also teach Advanced Writing Skills which is a post-year one course.
One of my key roles within the department is to coordinate Communication and Study Skills for Humanities (COM 111 and COM 112) and professionally, I contribute toward the teaching of "How to speak in public" at Assembly Bible College (ABC). My international role is being a reviewer of UHAMKA English Language Teaching Journal (Indonesia) since 2016.
i) Communication and Study Skills 1 (COM 111)
ii) Communication and Study Skills 2 (COM 112)
iii) Advanced Writing Skills (GEC 211)
i) Classroom interaction
ii) Academic Literacy
iii) Discourse Analysis
I proof-read and edited the following post graduate dissertations:
2020: (January, “Beneficiaries’ perceptions on the usefulness of poverty eradication programmes: A case study of Kweneng West area” by Barbra Mogaleemang. Botswana.
2019: (August), “Assessment of primary school readiness in improving learning outcomes through outcomes-based assessment” by Letlhokile Motlhabanyane. Botswana.
Galegane, G. (2019). Portrayal of the different types of the Feedback Move (F-Move) in University classrooms. Journal of ELT Research, 4 (2), 85-99. Indonesia.