Prof Kefalotse Sylvia Dithole
Associate Professor/Head School of Nursing/Director WHOCC
School of Nursing
MS Kgaolo LOLO Ditlhobolo
Accounts Assistant, Payroll
Financial Services
Dr. Marks Kgosimotse Ditlhogo
Senior Lecturer
Biological Science
Mr Gopolang Ditlhokwa
Media Studies
Ms. Mpolokeng
Accounts Officer, Payroll
Ms. Tebo G. Ditshweu
Coordinator (Internship)/Lecturer
Mr. Joel
Protection Services Assistant
Dr. Opha Pauline Dube
Associate Professor
Environmental Science
Ms. Dimakatso Duha
Administrative Assistant
Academic Services
Ms. Susan Dumedisang
HR Manager, Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology