Associate Professor
Location: 236/207
2000: PhD – Human Induced Change in the Rangelands of Botswana, Department of Geographical Science and Planning, University of Queensland, Australia.
1989: Mphil. – Applied Remote Sensing, Cranfield Institute of Technology – UK.
1987: Post Graduate Diploma -Rural Land Ecology and Remote Sensing-IT
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, University of Botswana (UB). PhD - University of Queensland, 2000. Founder of the Botswana Global Environmental Change Committee (BGCC) that since 1993 served to build awareness and motivate research on climate and related environmental issues. Served in IPCC WGII assessments since the 3rd report and was Coordinating Lead Author in the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5 °C and hosted its 4th Lead Author Meeting, Gaborone, April 2018. Was Deputy Chair of the Botswana Government National Climate Change Committee and serves in the Botswana National Disaster Management Technical Committee under the Office of the President. During her term (2010-2015),as one of the Vice Chairs of the International Geo-sphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP),led synthesis work on “Global Environmental Change and Least Developed countries” focusing on response to climate related hazards in the Asia Pacific Least Developed Countries. Currently Editor-in-chief of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Journal,Vice Chair of the WMO Science Advisory Panel and Co-Chair of the Science Advisory Committee of the Climate Research for Development in Africa (CRD4) and is one of the 15 Independent Panel of Scientists drafting the UN Global Sustainability Report 2023. Pauline serves in the Climate Advisory Board of Elsevier Publishing Company.She was a Visiting Fellow, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Griffith Universit
Physical Geography, Applications of Remote Sensing, Land use planning and geospatial technology, Integrated Environmental Analysis and Management, Land degradation/desertification, Wild land fires, Energy and environment, Gender and environment, Impacts of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation, Environmental hazards and disasters.
Global environmental change, environmental sustainability, Wildfires, land degradation, Climate change vulnerability and adaptation, Applications of remote sensing in rangelands and for land use land cover chnage
Remote sensing techniques and applications, land cover change, land degradation, fire monitoring and management, woody vegetation determinants in rangelands, climate variability and Factors veld products e.g. Phane caterpillar, impacts of elephants on vegetation and habitats of birds.
Schipper, E.L.F., Tanner, T., Dube, O.P., et al., (2020). The Debate: Is Global Development Adapting to Climate Change? World Development Perspectives.
Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockström, J. Schellnhuber, H.J., Dube, O.P., et al. (2020). The emergence and evolution of Earth System Science. Nat Rev Earth Environ 1, 54–63.
IPCC, SR15: Allen, M.R., O.P. Dube, W. Solecki, et al. (2018). Chapter 1. Framing and Context. In: An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C.
Dube, O.P. (2013). Climate change and sustainable development in Botswana: Towards a framework for adaptation. Chapter 20. In: J. Palutikov, et al. (Eds). Climate Adaptation Futures. Wiley-Blackwell, pp215-226
Dube O. P. (2009). Linking Fire and Climate: Interactions with Land Use, Vegetation and Soil. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 1:161-169.
Dube, O. P. and Pickup G. (2001). Effects of Rainfall Variability and Communal and Semi-commercial Grazing. Climate Research 17:19-208