Staff Profiles

Mr Gopolang Ditlhokwa


Faculty of Humanities

Media Studies


Location: 247/222
Phone: 3552976
Email Mr Gopolang Ditlhokwa

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) - Film and Television Production: Communication University of China

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (English): University of Botswana

Bachelor of Media Studies: University of Botswana

Associate Degree in Film and Television Production: Limkokwing University

A proficient media and communication specialist with 18 years of experience in the industry. Mr. Ditlhokwa holds membership in various local and international professional bodies such as the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the Internet Society, and the Botswana Film Association. His background in media production is extensive, having produced over 52 episodes of television programming for Botswana Television. His expertise spans a broad range of professional experiences, including news writing and reporting, and serving as a media advisor for the Organization of African Academic Doctors (OAAD). Mr. Ditlhokwa's work was commissioned by various organizations, including Ministry of Health and Wellness, Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control (Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, and Tourism), Department of Energy Affairs (Ministry of Minerals, Energy, and Water Resources), Ministry of Labor and Home Affairs, Botswana Power Corporation, Water Utilities Corporation, Botswana Red Cross Society, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA), Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST), Rural Industries Promotion Centre (RIPCO-B), etc.


Television Broadcasting

Professional Communication

Academic Literacy

Health Communication

Graphic Design


Television and radio broadcasting

Health communication

Language teaching and technology

Digital literacy

Mobile learning

Electronic media

Film and Television

Media and Society

Electronic Media

Communication Studies

Ditlhokwa, G. & Cann, V. (2024). Postcolonial Analysis of Transcultural News Frames: A Case Study of Facebook Rebranding. Journal of Transcultural Communication

Ditlhokwa, G. (2023). Unlocking Monetization Potential in the Age of YouTube Algorithmic Bias: An Analysis of Botswana Filmmaking. In Y. Ismail (Ed.), The Future of Television and Video Industry. IntechOpen.

Ditlhokwa, G., Kisakye, S., Demuyakor, J., & Hodor, S. (2023). Effective regulatory frameworks for constructive journalism: a study of China’s media systems. International Journal of Communication and Society, 5(1), 1-15.

Ditlhokwa, G. (2022). Health Information and Social Inclusion of Women During COVID-19: Exploring Botswana Television’s Functionalist Communication Strategy. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(3), e202219.

Edumadze,J.,Ditlhokwa,G.,& Demuyakor,J.(2022). Students’ Acceptance and Perceptions of Perceived Usefulness of Mobile Learning Devices in Higher Educational Institutions. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies12(2), e202209.

In pursuit of academic excellence