Professor / HoD - Lifelong Learning and Community Development
Location: Block 247 room 412
Doctor of Education, Adult Education Program, Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Dissertation: Women, poverty and literacy in Botswana: A case study.
Master of Arts Degree in Sociology of Development, Essex University, UK.
Diploma, HE;
Bachelor of Arts Degree, Sociology and Political Science.
Prof. Wapula Nelly Raditloaneng is an interdisciplinary Sociologist of Development trained in Health, Adult and Continuing Education at Postgraduate levels. Prof Raditloaneng is an adult educator with rich experience in social and community development from the early years of her professional experience as a rural Sociologist trained in community water supply and sanitation; a training officer, an adult educator with experience in community engagement for diverse community projects indicated in the service part of her detailed CV. She serves in advisory capacity for community groups involved in health education, community and personal development. Her three specialized input in teaching, research, service and activism is on issues of the social context of adult and continuing education capture the following expertise:- gender,(inequalities, equity, gender-based violence and its co-variates) poverty, (income, human, natural disasters, structural poverty, dominance and deprivation of minorities, integrated community development for poverty reduction, mitigating HIV/AIDS) and lifelong learning (informal, formal, non-formal, and post literacy). Her latest co-authored book is on Lifelong learning for poverty eradication in Botswana, published by Springer, (2015). It borrows extensively from her community development work.
She has experience in grant proposal writing and award winning research proposals such as thematic research awards from NACA, British Academy, AAU, etc
She teaches in areas related to the social context of adult and continuing education; lifelong learning, research methodology;adult education project, gender--frameworks and socio-cultural aspects; instructional media and materials development, lifelong learning, training delivery methods and materials; entrepreneurship skills development, poverty (HIV/AIDS, Covid 19 pandemic, the social impact of illiteracy), post literacy for poverty reduction, community service, engagement and development
She has three specialized areas in teaching, research, service and activism; and academic leadership. These capture the following expertise: - gender, (inequalities, equity, gender-based violence and its co-variates) poverty, (income, human, natural disasters, structural poverty, dominance and deprivation of minorities, integrated community development for poverty reduction, mitigating HIV/AIDS) and lifelong learning.
She has served as both internal and external examiner of postgraduate thesis.
She has supervised postgraduate students in thematic areas of entreprenurship education; environmental education; gender based violence; political and other forms of functional literacies; post literacy; HIV/AIDS; health promotion; vocational education and training of trainers. She also serves as external examiner for various universities regionally and internationally. She serves as a reviewer for many reputable journals
Raditloaneng, Wapula N., and Chawawa M., with contribution by Prof. Preece (2015). Lifelong learning for poverty eradication. Springer Cham Heidelberg New York. ISBN 978-3-319-10547-5.
ISBN 978-3-319-10548-2 (eBook);
Raditloaneng W.N. Chawawa, C.M, Shalyefu K.S. (2015).A case study on training and leadership: Implications for lifelong learning and poverty reduction in Africa. In Modise OM Cases on leadership in Adult Education IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-6060960-117-1 (bkp)
ISBN 978-1-60960-119-5.
Nitya Rao, Lawson E. T, Raditloaneng, W.N. (2017). Gendered vulnerabilities to climate change: Insights from the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia. Climate and Development Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1756-5529 (bkp); 1751-5537 (e)
Raditloaneng, W.N.(2016). Political Literacy for Women’s Empowerment in Botswana: A Feminist Perspective. World Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 2334-3176.