Staff Profiles

Prof. Tonic Lefetogile Maruatona

2001-PhD in Adult Education University of Georgia, USA.

1994-MSc. in Adult and Continuing Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

1990_Post Graduate Diploma in Education ( PGDE)

1988-B.A. in History and English, University of Botswana

Tonic Maruatona is Professor of Adult Education in the Department of Lifelong Learning and Community Development, Faculty of Education, University of Botswana. He joined the Department as a Staff Development Fellow in 1992. He holds B.A. in History and English, University of Botswana, Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE),  MSc. in Adult and Continuing Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA and PhD in Adult Education University of Georgia, USA. He has extensive teaching and research experience.  Over the past twenty years, Dr Maruatona served the University of Botswana in several capacities such as representing Academic and Senior Administrative Staff Union (UBASSU)  at  the University Council from 2002-08. He represented the Department of Adult Education at the School of Graduate Studies and the Faculty of Education at Senate and Faculty of Social Science Board. He serves as a referee for several national and international journals. He has conducted numerous book reviews and served as external examiners nationally and in the SADC regions.  He has been involved in several national committees such as the National Sustainable Development(SDG 4) Committee on lifelong learning  led by the National UNESCO  Commission. He  served as Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Education from 2017-2023.

Dr Maruatona teaches several undergraduate courses such as Principles of Lifelong learning and Community Development, Psychology & Theories of adult learning, Psychological Theories in adult learning and education, Psychology and Generational Teaching in Adult Learning, Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century, Entrepreneurship and Community Economic projects, Practical Contexts of Community Development & Lifelong Learning He also teachers graduate level courses such as Advanced Foundations

Dr Maruatona’s research areas are in planning and impact assessment of adult basic education, lifelong learning,  community Development, critical educational theory, social justice and citizenship education, adult teachers training and professionalism. He has published several articles and book chapters exploring ways to utilize policy provisions and programs and  the use of  participatory methods to assess how lifelong learning programs impact  lives of marginalized communities.

Dr Maruatona is capable of supervising student projects in various areas of adult education ranging from adult basic education, training, cooperative extension, lifelong learning,  community,   Development, program planning, poverty alleviation, project or process evaluation, social justice  issues, citizenship education and adult teacher training and professionalism. 

Biao, I. & Maruatona, T.L.(2018). The Southern African Development Community: Challenges and Prospects in Lifelong learning. In M. Milana, S. Webb, J. Holford, R. Walker & P. Jarvis (Eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning. (pp. 507-530). London: Palgrave Macmillan. (UK)

Maruatona, T. (2015). Lifelong learning for social inclusion of ethnic minorities in Botswana, Journal of Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, Vol. 10(1) pp. 37–54

Maruatona, T. (2011). Lifelong learning and the pursuit of a vision for sustainable development in Botswana. Journal of Studies in Continuing Education, 33 (2), pp.121-138.

Maruatona, T. (2010). Adult education and social transformation in the south: The Botswana experience. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 58(3) pp.167-179.

Maruatona, T. ( 2008). Reflections on policies for the mass literacy education in sub-Saharan Africa, International Review of Education,vol. (54), p.745-754

In pursuit of academic excellence