BA Humanities (English & History) (UB)
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) (UB)
Post Graduate Diploma in Counsellor Education (PGDCE) (UB)
MA Community Agency Counselling (Birmingham, Alabama) USA
PhD Clinical Mental Health Counselling (Florida) USA
Dr Aaron Majuta is an experienced educator who has taught Guidance and Counselling in Junior Secondary Schools for 5 years, Senior Secondary Schools for 2 years and in higher institutions of learning for seventeen years. He has taught, supervised both graduate and undergraduate learners in both research and clinical work in counselling. He has done imperical research work in guidance and counseling policy formulation. In addition he has responded extensively to various community needs in terms of provision of trauma counselling. Dr Majuta has served in various professional organization at various levels as follows;
- Member of the Eye Movement Densensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA) (2020-)
- President of Botswana Counselling Association (BCA) (2017-2019), currently a member
- Executive Secretary of Botswana Educational Research Association (BERA) (2012-2013) currently a member
- Editor of American Multicultural Counselling Association (AMCD) newsletter (2007-2008) currently a member of AMCD.
I teach the following broad areas within the field of Counselling:
- Guidance and Counselling
- Group Process and Dynamics
- Theories of Counselling
- Helping Relationship Skills
- Practicum and Internship in Counselling
- Clinical Supervision
- Multicultural Counselling
- Ethical and Legal Issues in Counselling
- Appraisal and Diagnosis in Counselling
Both my research and clinical practice in counselling are driven by the construstivist and existential worldview with a focal lens of trauma and crisis. This lands my research interests in the following areas;
- Disaster, crises and trauma
- Spiritual and religious coping
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy, EMDR
- Marriage and Family Counselling
- Reputation Enhancement
- Mattering
- Group Counselling
- Multicultural Counselling and Social Justice
In my supervision career both research and clinical work, i have and still am supervising trainees in the following areas;
- guidance and counselling in institutions of learning
- addiction counselling
- group counselling
- career counselling
- disaster, crisis and trauma
- Zeligman, M., Majuta, A., & Shannonhouse, L. (2020). Posttraumatic growth in prolonged drought survivors in Botswana: The role of social support and religious coping. Traumatology.
2. Shannonhouse, L., Bialo, J., Majuta A., et.al. (2019). Conserving resources during chronic disaster: Impact of religious and meaning focused coping on Botswana drought survivors . Psychological Trauma, Theory, Research, Practice and Policy.
3. Coker , A.D., & Majuta, A. (2015). Teaching group counselling in Botswana: Two U.S trained counselors discuss experiences and share cultural considerations for practice. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 40, 102-116.
4. Majuta, A. (2010). The relationship between vicarious traumatization and quality of life and purpose in life in healthcare providers of cancers patients in Botswana (Ph.D. thesis). George Smithers Libraries, University of Florida.