Ms Rebecca Kubanji holds an MSc in Medical Demography from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and is currently pursuing her PhD with the University of Botswana, where she is also a lecturer in the Department of Population Studies. She has published and presented at international conferences in the areas of alcohol use among HIV positive individuals, HIV positive adolescents, nuptiality and fertility and sexual health practices of HIV+ individuals. Ms Kubanji has been a member of the University of Botswana Socio- Behavioural Institutional Review Board from 2016 to date. She has collaborated and is still collaborating with US researchers on several NIH-funded behavioural HIV research studies. Additionally since 2018 Ms Kubanji has been working under a collaboration on a Nagel Project on 'The impact of religious beliefs on health seeking and health provision behaviours among Batswana'. Ms Kubanji has been a member of the International AIDS Society since 2008 and presented at conferences organized by the society since then. She has also been the General Secretary of the Organization of Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Botswana chapter from 2011 to 2019, and continues to be member.
Ms Kubanji has taught and is still teaching a number of Population Studies courses from level 100 to 700. At level 100 courses taught include POP 121, while at level 200 they include GEC 278, Pop 200, Pop 202, Pop 221, Pop 222 and Pop 225 and Pop 300 at level 300. Courses taught at Level 400 include Pop 403 and Pop 401. Ms Kubanji has taught POP 702 at Masters Level, and also handles TKS 710, which is offered under Masters in Development Practice (Department of Sociology).
Ms Kubanji's research spans in the areas of Alcohol use among HIV Positive Individuals; Adolescents Living with HIV and AIDS;Fertility and HIV and AIDS; Sexuality; Traditional Health Practice and HIV and AIDS Management; and Religious Beliefs and Health Seeking and Health Provision Behaviours. She has worked on a number of collaborative projects under the National Institutes of Health(NIH), SADC and of late the Nagel Institute. These collaborative efforts were both internally and externally.
Areas of postgraduate (Masters) supervision has been in the areas of alcohol use,sexuality and male circumcision.
Kubanji et al (2018). Institutional and social Dynamics of providing care and support to 15-19 year old adolescents living with HIV and AIDS in Botswana, AIDS Care – Psychology, Health and Medicine- Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies. Volume 13, 339 – 356,https://doi.org/10.1080/17450128.1515516
Kubanji et al.(2016), Correlates of intention to abstain from sex among HIV positive adolescents in Botswana, African Population Studies Vol.30, N0.2(Supp), http://aps.journals.ac.za
Kubanji, R, Keetile, M and Rakgoasi, D.S (2016), The demographic dividend: Opportunities and challenges for Botswana, Department of Population Studies/UNFPA Policy Brief No.1, November 2016.
In Press
Togarasei,L.,Gabaitiri,l.,Kubanji,R., Madigele,T.J.,Mmolai,S.K.,Shanduka,T.,& Tabalaka,A (2020), Christian Medical Mission from the Perspective of Batswana Faith Healers, International Bulletin of Mission Research, pp.1-12,doi:10.1177/2396939320951567,ibmr.sagepub.com