BSc (UB), MSc (UWO), PhD (Edinburgh)
Physics and Geophysics
Exploration geophysics, rockmagnetism, palaeomagnetism, solar energy and radon gas hazards.
Rock & palaeomagnetism, Seismology
King J. G., Williams W., Wilkinson C.D.W., McVitie S. and J.N. Chapman Magnetic properties of magnetite arrays produced by the method of electron beam lithography, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 20, pp 2847-2851, 1996.
King J.G. and W. Williams Low temperature magnetic properties of Magnetite”Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.105, pp 16427-16436, 2000
Ranganai R.T., A.B Kampunzu, A.E. Atekwana, B.K. Paya, J.G. King, D.I. Koosimile and E.H. Stettler, "Gravity evidence for a larger Limpopo Belt in southern Africa and geodynamic implications" Geophysics Journal International, vol. 149, pp F9-F14, 2002.
Muxworthy AR, King JG, Heslop, D, 2005, Assessing the ability of first‐order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams to unravel complex magnetic signals, Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 110, B01105, doi:10.1029/2004JB003195, 2005
Muxworthy AR, Evans ME, Scourfield SJ, King JG, 2013, Paleointensity results from the late-Archaean Modipe Gabbro of Botswana, GEOCHEMIST GEOPHYSICS GEOSYST