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Senior Lecturer
Sub Unit
Block 240 Office number 255
(267) 355 2730
Professional Qualifications

Jan 2004 - May 2008 - Ph.D. in Public Administration - Cleveland State University (Ohio)

Sept 1998 - Sept. 1999 - MSc.:Development Administration & Planning - University College London (London)

Aug. 1992 - June 1996 - Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (Public Admin. & Political Science)

Brief Biography

I joined the university on 2nd May 2002 as a Lecturer (Public Administration). I was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer on 26th April 2012 and served as Head of Department of Political and Administrative Studies from 1st July 2015 to 12th July 2018. I have also served as a Departmental Academic Advisor and the Coordinator of a Master's degree programme (i.e. Master of Research and Public Policy) which is a collaborative programme offered in fourteen universities in seven African countries.

I am currently serving as the Coordinator of University of Botswana Democracy Research Project (DRP) and I teach undergraduate and post-graduate courses as indicated under "Teaching Areas"

Teaching Areas

Public Policy Development (undergraduate and graduate courses)

Public Policy Analysis

Development Administration

Public Finance

Public Enterprises Management

Strategic Planning and Management

Organizational Theory and Practice

Research Areas

I am mainly interested in issues pertaining to public sector reforms and change management, public sector ethics, local government administration, privatization and leadership.

I have so far, published seven (7) peer-reviewed journal articles, six (6) peer-reviewed book chapters, one peer-reviewed working paper, three research reports and one non-refereed book. This brings the total number of publications to eighteen (18).

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

I am currently supervising eight Master's degree students who are focusing on a wide variety of topics such as Performance Management in Public Organizations; the participation of people with disabilities in the public policy process; Culture, Rehabilitation of Prisoners and Public Policy; the relationship between Policy Makers and Researchers and others.

I also supervise four Ph.D. candidates. I am the lead supervisor for two of them and I am the second supervisor for the other two

Selected Publications
  1. Mothusi, B., (2020), Integration and Inclusivity: Fundamentals for the Transformation of Governance and Public Administration in Africa, African Journal of Public Administration and Management, Vol., XXVII, No. 2, pp 14-24
  2. Mothusi, B. & Mpabanga, D., (2020), “Botswana’s Perspective of Managing Public Sector Behaviour” In Mello, D.M. (ed), Ethics in the Public Sector, Van Schaik Publishers, Pretoria, pp 125-137
  3. Mothusi, B., Molokwane, T. & Ruele, L.N. (2018), Civil society and the Public Policy Process: The case of NGOs in Botswana, Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, Vol. 3. Issue No. 2., pp 129-141,
  4. Mothusi, B. Lekorwe, M.H. & Pitso, M. (2016), Leading Reform and Organisational Change: The Botswana Public Service Experience, African Journal of Public Administration and Management, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, pp 65-74  

In pursuit of academic excellence