- PhD in Demography and Population Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (2016)
- MSc in Medical Demography, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK. (1995).
- BA in Social Sciences (Statistics), University of Botswana, Botswana
Dr Enock Ngome is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Population Studies (DPS) (previously known as Demography) of the University of Botswana (UB) with over 21 years experience of teaching Demography & Population Studies related courses. He has previously worked with the then Ministry of Health as a Research Officer for 8 years from 1991 to 1999, where he undertook health & health related researches for the Ministry of Health and other Government departments. He joined UB as Project Coordinator (Equity on Reproductive Health Project) in 1999 & later joined DPS in 2001.
He teaches Demography, Research Methods, Indirect Demographic Techniques, Data Analysis, Epidemiology, Sexual & Reproductive Health and Family Planning, & Monitoring & Evaluation. He also supervises a PhD candidate & is currently supervising dissertations and research papers of postgraduate MA Population Studies students. His main research interest include Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Drug Utilization, Ageing & the Elderly, & Monitoring and Evaluation of programmes.
Dr Ngome has researched and published 10 research articles in internationally reputed journals, 2 conference proceedings and 3 conference proceedings. He has been involved in the production of 20 technical reports and has presented more than 13 research papers both in local & international conferences and seminars.
Professoinal Bodies Membership:PAB, PASA, IUSSP, PASA
- Methods of Social Science Research
- Indirect Demographic Estimation Techniques
- Epidemiology & Technical Demography
- Computing for Demographers
- Computer Applications in Population Analysis
- Demographic Data Analysis and Report Writing
- Sexual and Reproductive Health & Family Planning
- Population and Development
- Migration, Urbanization & Development
- Demographic Aspects of Ageing, Poverty & Labour Force
- Foundations of Health Policy
- Substantive Demography
- Dem Statistics
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- HIV and AIDS
- Drug Utilization
- Elderly & Ageing
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Maternal Health Care Service Utilization
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Contraceptive Use
- Adolescent Reproductive Health
- Women's Health
- Infant & Child Mortality
- HIV and AIDS
Ngome, E.(2016).Demographic, Socioeconomic and Psychosocial Determinants of Current and Consistent Condom Use among Adolescents in Botswana. World Journal of AIDS,6,137-156.
Ngome, E. & Odimegwu, C.(2014).The Social Context of Adolescent Women's Use of Modern Contraceptives in Zimbabwe: A Multilevel Analysis. Reproductive Health,11,64.
Ngome, E.(2014). Women's Autonomy and Use of Health Facility for Childbirth in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the 2010/11 Zimbabwe Demographic Health Survey. Gender & Behaviour,12(4).5902-5927.
Ama, N.O. & Ngome, E.(2013).Challenges faced by older women in Botswana in accessing services that address sexual and reproductive health, and family planning needs in Botswana, South African Family Practice,55(3):281-288.
Boonstra, E., Lindbaek, M., Ngome, E.(2005).Adherence to Management Guidelines in Acute Respiratory Infections & Diarrhoea in Children under 5 years old in PHC in Botswana. Int Journal of Qualilty Health Care,17(3):221-227