PhD Educational Psychology, UWF. USA,Masters FSU. USA.Certificate in Training of Trainers ,ESAME Tanzania
I Taught English and Geography at Moeding College. 1977 - 1978I trained for teaching at UB (Bed,19 79 - 1982 , Masters 1987 1988. FSU Tallahassee Florida, PhD, UWF Pensacola I Worked for Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland.Under IDM. Stationed at Maseru, Mbabane, one Assignment for I LO Iived in Washington DC . I am a seasoned uncolonised, uncultural researcher with an output of 47 papers
English, psychology, child development, instruction development with multimedia.
Child Development, AIDS, Teaching with technology, reading, Culture and education Psychology
Teaching, Gender, Culture in relation to Education Psychology
Losike –Sedimo,& Vista, C (2020). The significance of higher education pedagogy in social innovation. Perceptions of students at the university of Botswana. International journal of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Volume 8,no.1, 2020, pp 20-34
Losike –Sedimo, (2018). Mother’s Influence On Cognitive Development: A Cultural Perspective. Advances in social science research journal – Vol. 5, No 12 Marice, M; Losike-Sedimo; N. C (2013). Teacher technology integration. Professional development model. (Smart board). Achievement and smart board proficiency scores. SAGE Open, Vol10,
No. Losike – Sedimo`, N.C. & Ngwako, A. D. (2016)Technology Integration in Teaching Student Motivation, and Reading Achievement. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 3(12), 200 - 2007 DoI:10.14738/assrj.312.24 Royster, O.A., Losike-Sedimo, N.C & Reglin, G.L. (2014). Inclusion professional