- BSc (Mathematics & Physics), 1990 University of Botswana,
- MSc (Fluid Mechanics), 1993 University of Bristol UK,
- PhD (Mathematics), 2008 University of Botswana.
I joined the University of Botswana in August 1990 immediately after graduating from my undergraduate as Staff Development Fellow. I went to University of Bristol to do MSc in the Department of Mathematics in Fluid Mechanics which I finished in 1993. I was appointed a Lecturer in Mathematics in 1994. I joined the University of Oslo as a Research Fellow in 1994. This fellowship ended in 1998 before I could finish my PhD. I resumed my PhD studies with University of Botswana from 2004 until 2008 when I graduated with PhD. I was promoted to Senior Lecturer 2008. In 2012 I went on a year long sabbatical part of it was spent at African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2014, I was granted 3 year Leave of Absence and I joined Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) in Palapye as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences. I rejoined the Department of Mathematics UB back in 2015. I was appointed Head of Department in 2016 up to date.
Pre-Calculus Mathematics,
Mechanics (Kinematics and Dynamics),
Linear Programming,
Linear Algebra,
Introduction to Programming,
Numerical Analysis,
Differential Equations (Partial and Ordinary).
- Fluid Mechanics
- Numerical Methods
- Mathematical Modeling; Heat Transfer, Blood Flow, Radiation
- C.B. Tabi, P.A.Y. Ndjawa, T.G. Motsumi, C.D. Bansi & T.C. Kofane (2019). Magnetic field effect on a fractional blood flow model in the presence of magnetic particles and thermal radiation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. (Accepted November 2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2019.109540
- C.B. Tabi, T.G. Motsumi, C.D. Bansi Kamdem, & A. Mohamadou (2017). Nonlinear excitations of blood flow in large vessels under thermal radiations and uniform magnetic field. Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations.
- T. G. Motsumi (2014). Convergence of an O(h4) scheme applied to a semi-linear parabolic equation. Afrika Matematika, Springer Publishers. Vol 25 (1) pp 43-51. Online ISSN:2190-7668.
- T.G. Motsumi & O.D. Makinde (2012). Effects of thermal radiation and viscous dissipation on boundary layer of flow of nano-fluids over a permeable moving flat plate. Physica Scripta. Vol 86 (4) id 045003