
Senior Lecturer
Block 202/004
3552095 71222718
Professional Qualifications
PhD Information Science, Strathclyde University
MA Librarianship, Sheffield University
PGDLIS, University of Botswana
PGDE. University of Botswana
BA (Humanities), University of Botswana
Brief Biography
Dr Boemo Nlayidzi Jorosi, Senior Lecturer and former head of Department of Library and Information has been with the University of Botswana since 1987. He started with the University Library before Joining the Department of Library and Information Studies where he has taught a wide spectrum of courses. Dr Jorosi has participated in many library and information initiatives in Botswana and has published several articles on library and information studies. Apart from his active involvement in the Botswana Library Association which he chaired [1995-96], Dr Jorosi has also served as a member of several high-profile consultancy teams: the ACHAP Study, Sesigo Project, Botswana National Library Policy Study, and the Botswana Railway Administrative History Project.
Teaching Areas
Reference and information services, School librarianship, Knowledge economy, Library management, Collection development and management, Business information and publishing and the book trade.
Research Areas
Information needs and information seeking behaviours, Environmental scanning, School libraianship, Information literacy, education and training of LIS professionals, and information ethics.
Postgraduate Supervision Areas
Information seeking behaviours, Information Literacy skills, information ethics schools and public libraries,
Selected Publications
Refereed publications
1.Oladokun, O.S. & Jorosi, B.N. (2019). An Appraisal of the Incorporation of Information Ethics into the Curriculum at the University of Botswana. Information Development. 20(10) 1-15.
2.Malanga, D.F. & Jorosi, B.N. (2018) An assessment of Information Literacy Skills among undergraduate students: Lessons from the University of Livingstonia in Malawi. International Journal of Library and Information services, 7 (2) July-December.
3. JAIN, PRITI & JOROSI, B.N. (2017), LIS education at the University of Botswana: Evolution, Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Library & Information Technology. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 42-50. Available at: http://publications.drdo.gov.in/ojs/index.php/djlit/article/download/10863/5790
4.THABAKGOLO, M. AND JOROSI, B.N. (2015) Newspaper preservation at Botswana’s legal repositories. Journal of the South African Society of Archivists. 47: 61-76.
5. MUTSHEWA, A. GRAND, B. TOTOLO A. and Jorosi, B.N. (2010). Information behaviours of non-users of libraries in Botswana. Afr. J. Lib, Arch & Inf. Sc. 20(1): 1-10.
6. JOROSI, B.N (2008) Environmental scanning by CEO’s in the manufacturing industry, Botswana. Libri. 58(4): 224-233.
7. JOROSI, B.N AND ISAAC, G.G (2008) Teaching Information Literacy skills in community junior schools in Gaborone, Botswana. Information Development. 24(2): 123-134.
8. JOROSI, B.N. (2006). The information needs and information seeking behaviours of SME managers: a study of the manufacturing industry in Botswana. Libri .56, 97-107.
9. JOROSI, B.N. & METZGER, A.J.B. (2002). Students’ evaluation of their practical placement: the case of the Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana. Education Libraries Journal. 45 (2): 13-22.
10. JOROSI, B.N. (2001). The training of teacher librarians at the University of Botswana: an educator’s perspective. Education Libraries Journal. 44(1): 23-30.
11. TALLMAN, J.T., B.N. JOROSI & A.J.B. METZGER (2000). Community Junior Secondary School libraries: a case study of their programs and needs for teacher-librarians. School Libraries Worldwide. 6(2): 45-65.
12. JOROSI, B.N. (1997). Community school libraries in Botswana: impressions of the contemporary scene. Education Libraries Journal. 40(3): 23-29.