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Associate Professor
Block 248 Room 148
267 3554292
Professional Qualifications


Brief Biography

Prof. Joseph Ssegawa-Kaggwa Biography Dr Ssegawa is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana. He has a Doctorate in Project Management and post graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). He is a Director of the Master of Project Management Programme and teaches both project and construction management at undergraduate and graduate level. Prof Ssegawa has supervised several Masters and Doctoral students in Project Management. He has authored over 80 publications in journal and conference proceedings. Prof Ssegawa has experience of more than 15 years in consulting in construction development and has conducted studies in various topics in project management including project appraisal, planning, procurement, monitoring and evaluation. Prof. Ssegawa has been engaged in high level assignments in Botswana including the initiation of a construction development agency through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development. He has organised and facilitated over 50 continuous professional development (CPD) courses for practitioners in Botswana, Tanzania, Uganda, Mauritius and South Africa.

Teaching Areas

Project Management (Planning, Finance and M&E)

Construction Finance and Economics

Research Methodology

Research Areas

Project Management - PMOs, Project Leaderships,Monitoring and Evaluation

Construction Industry Development

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

Project Management - PMOs, Project Leaderships,Monitoring and Evaluation

Construction Industry Development

Selected Publications

Ssegawa J K, Ngowi A B and Ntshwene K (2013), Using a Situation Analysis to Identify the Construction Industry Deficiencies in Botswana, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 18(1), 1–18Ssegawa J K, (2003), The use of Laspeyre and Paasche indices in an investigation into the constructing a building index: A case for Botswana, The Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction (JFMPC), 8(1) pp.17-28.

  1. Ssegawa J. K. and Muzinda, M. , (2016) Using RBM approach in managing projects beyond the development sector", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.337 - 363
  1. Ssegawa, J. K. and Kasule, D., (2015), Prayer: A transformative teaching and learning technique in project management, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 177-197
  1. Ssegawa, J. K. (2015), A domain based and integrated conceptual framework for effective project

In pursuit of academic excellence