BSc (Hons) Biochemistry, University of Reading, UK
MRes Biosciences (Infection and immunity), University of Leeds, UK
PhD Tropical Medicine (Immunology), University of Liverpool, UK
MPhil Health Professions Education, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr Sepako joined the department in November 2011 as a lecturer in immunology. He undertook his PhD studying pneumococcal T-cell responses in HIV-infected persons at the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical research programme (MLW) with University of Liverpool (awarded 2011) after a BSc (Hons) in biochemistry from the University of Reading, UK. He also has an MRes in Biosciences (infection and immunity) from University of Leeds, UK and an MPhil in Health Professions Education from Stellenbosch University, South Africa (awarded in 2018). Enoch is a 2004 Fogarty/Ellison Fellow in Global Health and Clinical Research and a 2013 SAFRI Fellow (SAFRI– Sub-Saharan Africa FAIMER* Regional Institute, *FAIMER – Foundation for the Advancement of international Medical Education Research).
Immunology, MBBS Phase I
Principles and techniques of medical education, Graduate Medical Education
T cell biology and flow cytometry; student learning experiences (health professions education)
- Jambo KC, Sepako E, Mzinza D, et al. Bronchoalveolar CD4+ T cell responses to respiratory antigens are impaired in HIV-infected adults. Thorax. 2011. 66(5):375-82.
- Sepako E, Glennie SJ, Jambo KC, et. al. Incomplete recovery of pneumococcal CD4 T cell immunity after initiation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected Malawian adults. PLoS One. 2014. 24;9(6):e100640.
- Shin SS, Modongo C, Ncube R, Sepako E, et al. Advanced immune suppression is associated with increased prevalence of mixed-strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections among persons at high risk for drug-resistant tuberculosis in Botswana. JID. 2015. 211(3):347-51.
- Zetola NM, Modongo C, …,Sepako E, et al.. Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and assessment of treatment response through analyses of volatile compound patterns in exhaled breath samples. Journal of Infection. 2017. 74(4):367-76