PhD, Housing Studies, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
MSc. Housing Policy, Salford University, UK
B.Ed. Home Economics, University of Botswana
Dr. Kgosi is a Lecturer in the University of Botswana with a Ph.D. in Housing Practice and Policy and a teaching qualification. Her teaching subjects include Housing Policy and Practice, Home Economics Teacher Education and Research in Family and Consumer Science. Her research focus is on housing needs for socially challenged people within communities including; the low income, children, women and people living with disability as well as the role of housing in community development. Dr. Kgosi also has research interest in the education sector; particularly in the implementation of Home Economics curriculum in secondary schools and teacher education. Her interest is working with Home Economics teachers in developing and increasing their competence and capability to secure a high quality education for children in secondary schools.
Housing Policy and Practice
Family and Consumer Science Teacher Education
Research in Family and Consumer Science
Housing needs for socially challenged people and special populations
Housing needs assessment
Teacher Development and Education
Implementation of Home Economics curriculum in schools
Housing needs for special populations
Implementation of Home Economics curriculum
Teacher education and development
Pedagogy in secondary schools
Kgosi, K. (2012). The experience of living and caring for children in poor housing: Insights from HIV infected parents in Gaborone. In T. Maundeni, and M. Nnyepi, (Eds.). Thari ya Bana: Reflections on Children in Botswana, 2012 (pp. 87- 93). Gaborone, Botswana: UNICEF and University of Botswana
Kgosi, K., Trivedi, S (2018) The influence of raising children in crowded neighborhoods Consumer Science in pursuit of the future” Hosted by South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Science in conjunction with the Department of Food and Nutrition Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Durban University of Technology at the Saint George Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa 5 –9 March 2018. Page 164