Bachelor of Arts Humanities (Double Major Theology and Religious Studies + English).
Post Graduate Diploma Education (Double Major Theology and Religious Studies + English).
MA Theology and Religious Studies (Ethics)
MA PHILOSOPHY (Metaphysics)
Doreen Sesiro is a lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Botswana. She joined the university in 2013 and she is teaches philosophy courses. Her areas of interest in Philosophy are metaphysics, ethics and epistemology. Mrs Sesiro is also a bona fide board member of BOCRI (Botswana Crime Research Institute) in good standing. Mrs Sesiro contributed to the establishment of BOCRI while doing her MA research on topic: "Some Ex-prisoners perceptions on Stigmatization and Reintegration of Ex-prisoners: Botho Ethics Evaluation". She is a chairperson of BOCRI Research Committee. Mrs Sesiro has also attended and presented in the international symposium Tourism and culture in philosophical perspective conference at Hvar, Croatia in October 2019 and her paper titled: "A Botho perspective on Human and Animal Welfare, is being considered for publication when the review process is over".
1) Metaphysics
2) Ethics
3) Epistemology
1) Some Ex-prisoners Perception of Stigmatization and Reintegration of Ex-prisoners: Botho Evaluation.
2) An Evaluation of Anthropological Naturalism from the Perspective of Botho.
3) Bio-technological Enhancement in the light of Botho's Metaphysical Aspect.
1) Some Ex-prisoners Perception of Stigmatization and Reintegration of Ex-prisoners: Botho Evaluation.
2) An Evaluation of Anthropological Naturalism from the Perspective of Botho.
3) Bio-technological Enhancement in the light of Botho's Metaphysical Aspects.
1) Towards a Non- Exclusionary Approach for Persons With Disability
2) Effects of Social Media on Personal Identity and Human dignity: Botho Evaluation