
Kenneth Kabajani
Senior Lecturer
Professional Qualifications
BSc Biology (UB)
MSc Zoology (Pretoria)
Brief Biography
“The Nature Detective” is an ecologist by training with expertise in behavioural ecology, biodiversity conservation, and wildlife management. My approach underpins practical solutions to biodiversity conservation problems through primary scientific research of good calibre. The approach is fundamental, interdisciplinary and collaborative, spurred by a scientific impetus to invoke:
- Research to describe, understand, and address the problem;
- Community and public awareness to explain it,
- Community and public involvement to ensure participation and acceptance, and
- Informed application of sustainable biodiversity conservation solutions.
Specific areas of engagement include;
- Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity abundance, distribution, interactions, demographics, and relative function in ecosystems
- Impact of fencing, hunting, culling, cropping, poaching, and translocations, on wildlife genetics, abundance, distribution, behaviour, demographics, and ecosystem processes
- Ecological consequences of artificial water provision
- Human-wildlife interactions and conflict mitigation
- Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
- Environmental Management Plans and Tourism Development Plans
- Scientific advice for conservation and environmental policy formulation and review
Teaching Areas
Principles of Biology
Principles of Ecology
Behavioural Ecology
Wildlife Biology
Research Methods in Biology
Research Areas
- Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity abundance, distribution, interactions, demographics, and relative function in ecosystems
- Impact of fencing, hunting, culling, cropping, poaching, and translocations, on biodiversity abundance, distribution, behaviour, demographics, and ecosystem processes
- Ecological consequences of artificial water provision
- Human-wildlife interactions and conflict mitigation
Postgraduate Supervision Areas
Ecology and Conservation
Selected Publications
- Kaunda, S.K.K. 2016. Review of the natural resource programme in Botswana. African Conservancies Volume 1:102-118
- Kaunda, S.K.K., Matlhaku, K., Mapolelo, M. & Mokgosi J.N. (2011). Shoot production by Acacia tortilis under different browsing regimes in south east Botswana. African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 5(1):63-68
- Kaunda, S.K.K. 2009. The potential impacts of hunting on large mammals. In: “Hunting and the future of wildlife conservation in Botswana”. Malbouef, A. & Johnson, S. (Eds). Kalahari Conservation Society and World Wide Foundation, Norway. Pp23-34
- Kaunda, S.K.K., Mapolelo, M., Matlhaku, K., & Mokgosi, J.N. 2004. Habitat utilisation and sexual segregation in impala Aepyceros melampus at Gaborone Game Reserve, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 34:79-90