10/1997- 2/2002: PhD (Analytical Chemistry), University of Bristol, UK
1993- 1995: MSc Analytical Chemistry, University of Botswana
1989- 1992: B.Sc.(single major chemistry), U.B
- Spectroscopic techniques such as Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), Mass spectrometry, Chromatographic techniques such as HPLC, GC, and Sample Preparation techniques.
- Teach all Analytical courses for undergraduates and Sample handling strategies and special topics in Analytical chemistry for Postgraduate students.
Supervision of undergraduate student projects
Supervised more than twenty literature review and fourth year projects since 2002 until today, with at least one third year literature review and one fourth year project per year.
Supervision of Postgraduates
Completed MSc
- Philip Daka ( 2003): A study of deltamethrin in sediment from Okavango delta, Botswana;
- Mohau Moshoeshoe ( 2005)HPLC method for determination of bile acids in sewage polluted environments
- Beauty Mmaabo Mookantsa (2009) Comparison of solid phase microextraction (spme) and quechers as green extraction techniques for pesticides from edible and medicinal plants
- Cosmas Mutsimhu (2011) Gas chromatography − mass spectral characteristics of pharmacologically active compounds in raw sewage impacted water.
- Irene Maina (2016) Use of Moringa Oleifera (moringa) seed pods and Sclerocarya birrea (morula) nutshells for metal removal from wastewater and bor
General Analytical Chemistry
1. Separation techniques including chromatographic techniques
2. Sample Handling in Analytical chemistry
Method development for analysis of both food and environmental samples
Sample preparation for both food and environmental samples
Chromatographic separations and their applications to both food and environmental samples
Method developments using separation techniques with applications to both food and environmental samples
- Gondo, T. T.; Obuseng, V. C.; Mmualefe, L. C.; Okatch, H. Employing Solid Phase Microextraction as Extraction Tool for Pesticide Residues in Traditional Medicinal Plants. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2016, Article ID 2890219, 11 pages.
- Maina, I. W.; Obuseng, V.; Nareetsile F. Use of Moringa oleifera (Moringa) Seed Pods and Sclerocarya birrea (Morula) Nut Shells for Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater and Borehole Water. Journal of Chemistry 2016, Article ID 9312952, 13 pages.
- Kwenga F. Sichilongo, Cosmas Mutsimhu, Veronica C. Obuseng (2013) Gas chromatography − mass spectral characteristics of six pharmacologically active compounds — analytical performance characteristics on a raw sewage impacted water sample.
- Obuseng, Veronica C.; Mookantsa, Beauty M.; Okatch, Harriet; Mosepele, Ketlhatlogile; Torto, Nelson (2013) Extraction of pesticides from plants using solid phase microextraction and QuEChERS : South . African Journal