LLB (Hons)
LLM in International Investment and Trade Law
Emma joined University of Botswana in 2016 as a Lecturer in the Department of Law. Prior to joining UB, she was a legal consultant and a practising attorney in Zimbabwe. Within the Department of Law, she is an Academic Adviser and Chair of the Research Committee. Emma specialises in International Investment Law, Law of the World Trade Organisation and Environmental Law. Her scholarship is on intellectual property; sports law; empowerment laws; the regulation of corruption in international investment treaties and environmental law.
Emma is currently reading for a Doctor of Laws with the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Comparative Legal History and Systems
Business Law
Company Law /Law of Business Associations
International Trade Law
Law and the Environment
Legal and Social Research Methods
Environment Law
International Investment Law
- Chitsove E et al, in Michele Colucci (ed.), IEL Sports Law, (Kluwer Law International BV, Netherlands 2020) pp.1-116
- Chitsove E, 'Zimbabwe', in Kurt Deketelaere (ed.), IEL Environmental Law, (Kluwer Law International BV, Netherlands 2019) pp.1-171
- Chitsove E, 'Legal aspects of combatting corruption in Zimbabwe' (2018) University of Botswana Law Journal 41
- Chitsove E, 'Indigenization laws and Bilateral Investment Treaties in Zimbabwe' (2017) 24 University of Botswana Law Journal
- Pfumorodze J and Chitsove E, 'Major Developments in Intellectual Property Law in Botswana' (Special Issue 2016) 21 University of Botswana Law Journal 197
- Pfumorodze J, Chitsove E and Morolong S, 'The WTO TRIPS Agreement, domestic regulation and access to HIV/AIDS medicines in Southern Africa: The case of Botswana and Zimbabwe' (2014) 27 University of Swaziland Research Journal 145.