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Senior Lecturer
Professional Qualifications


PhD:  Special Education

Maters Degree Special/Inclusive Education

BA  Humanities

Post Graduate Diploma In Education

Brief Biography

I am a trained special /inclusive education specialist, specializing on inclusive education and Intellectual Disabilities. I have more than ten years of teaching and research experience on issues of inclusive education for learners with disabilities. My research interest is in special needs education, inclusive education and disabilities, particularly intellectual disabilities. I have focused mainly on the evaluation of the inclusive education programs for learners with disabilities with particular reference to the implementation processes and their effects on children with disabilities.  My research work is mainly aligned to the investigation of the implementation processes and effectiveness of this new strategy in the context of Botswana and I do this by studying the teacher competencies, practices, experiences, attitudes and concerns at different levels of operation, be it school or classroom levels. I have published about sixteen(16) papers in peer reviewed journals to date.  I am a research supervisor to both undergraduate and graduate students. I was a principal investigator in the evaluation of the Pastoral and Guidance and Counseling Policies for the Ministry of Basic Education.I have worked as a Board advisor in a USAID project; Preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities in Botswana. Currently working on an NIH Project as one of the investigators.

Teaching Areas

My teaching Areas include; Inclusive Education, Intellectual Disabilities (multiple disabilities, Autism Spectrum) and other disabilities or special needs areas in  generic courses.

Research Areas

Areas of research include, Inclusive Education and intellectual disabilities, various special needs/disability areas and  Health Related disorders like HIV/AIDES.

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

I supervise students on areas  dealing with social justice for the disadvantaged groups of people  such as  disabilities/special needs, gender, and Inclusive Education.

Selected Publications
  1. Mangope, B., Kuyini, A. B., & Major, T.E. (2020). Experiences of general secondary education teachers in inclusive classrooms:Implications for sustaining inclusive education in Botswana. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 16(1), 1-34.
  2. Mukhopadhyay, S., Mangope, B.,  & Moorad, F.  (2018).  Voices of the voiceless: Inclusion of learners with special education needs in Botswana primary schools, Journal of Exceptionality, DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2018.1470446
  3. Mangope, B., Otukile-Mongwaketse, M., Dinama, B., & Kuyini, A. B. (2018). Teaching practice experiences in inclusive classrooms: The voices of University of Botswana special education student teachers. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 14(1), 57-92.
  4. Mangope, B. (2017). Inclusive practices for learners with intellectual disabilities in primary schools in Botswana: what are teachers doing to enhance inclusion? Mosenodi Journal, 20(1), 32-47.

In pursuit of academic excellence