- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Arts & Social Sciences (Gender & Cultural Studies)
- Master of Education (Gender)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
- Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)
- Certificate - Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion In The Workplace
Dr Portia Loeto is a Gender Studies Lecturer, Consultant, and Researcher at The University of Botswana. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Gender and Cultural Studies from The University of Sydney, Australia among other qualifications. Her professional and research experiences straddle the broad areas of Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, as well as Teacher Education Studies. As an academic, Dr Loeto’s teaching philosophy is centred on building and mentoring well-rounded teachers/professionals who will champion feminist, ntersectional, inclusive, and anti-oppressive education in schools and various work environments. Additionally, she often gives expert opinions in the media as well as partnering with various NGOs to interrogate various contemporary gender issues/concerns in Botswana.
Gender and Cultural Studies
Gender in Education
Gender & Sexual Diversity
Gender Studies
Feminist Studies
Cultural Studies
Gender in Education
- Loeto, T.P. (2024). Gender analysis for communities in the NG8 controlled hunting area (Western Ngamiland) - Habu, Tubu & Nokaneng. Botswana. Food & Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of The United Nations.
- Loeto, P.T. (2024). Using visual sources to understand African Black Beauty. In Interrogating Colonial Documents and Narratives. Marlborough: AM.
- Loeto, P.T. (2016). Making education safe for women & girls in Africa. BUWA! Transformative Education—The Africa we need by 2030: The Journal on African Women’s Experiences, 7, 112-116. https://issuu.com/osisa/docs/buwa-issue-7
- Loeto, P.T. (2013). Notions of beauty and attractiveness. BUWA! Feminism and Culture: A Journal on African Women’s Experiences, 2(2), 53-57.
- Loeto, P.T. and Mmereki, D. (2012). Household perceptions on solid waste management practices in developing countries: the experience of the northern part of Botswana, Donga Area. Environmental Research Journal, 6 (4), 246-253.