PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)
MSc in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Botswana
BEng in Electrical and Electronic from the University of Botswana
CCNA 1, 2, 3 and 4 Instructor qualification Courses from UB FET Cisco Academy
Dr. Sajid M. Sheikh is an academic, researcher and consultant. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana. He is also the MSc Coordinator in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana, Cisco Instructor at the UB-FET Cisco Academy at University of Botswana and Chairman for the Botswana IEEE Subsection.
Dr. Sajid M. Sheikh is author of many international journal papers, international peer reviewed conference papers and book chapters. On 8th October 2005 at the Graduation Ceremony, Sajid was the Prize winner of the Dean’s Prize (Faculty of Engineering and Technology – University of Botswana) and The Lady Olebile Masire Prize (Faculty of Engineering and Technology – University of Botswana). Dr. S. M. Sheikh has also worked for BOTUSA/CDC Botswana, an agency of the U.S. Diplomatic Mission as IT Trainer for 2 years. With his job with the US Embassy, he received 3 awards from the Department of States, Unites States of America (US Embassy in Botswana) namely an award in recognition of special efforts and superior performance in October 2009, an award in recognition of outstanding service for outstanding leadership and creativity managing the layout and printing of the PEPFAR 2008 Annual Report in June 2010, and an Extra Mile Award for being selected the employee of the month for November 2010 in February 2011.
1. Microprocessor Based Systems
2. Computer Architecture and Design
3. Computer Networks
4. Optical and Broadband Communications
5. Digital Electronics
1. Scheduling Protocols
2. Wireless Mesh Networks
3. Internet of Things Community Projects, Development and Implementations
4. Sensor Networks
1. Scheduling Protocols Development and Testing
2. Smart IoT Projects
3. Li-Fi
4. Communication Networks
- Sajid M. Sheikh, H. A. Engelbrecht, and R. Wolhuter, “A Comparative Study on Improving Quality of Service in Networks Carrying Multi-Service Level Data over Resource-Limited Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,” J. Commun., vol. 12, no. 10, October 2017
- Sajid M. Sheikh, R. Wolhuter, H. A. Engelbrecht, “A Model for Analyzing the Performance of Wireless Multi-Hop Networks using a Contention-Based CSMA/CA Strategy”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea, April 2017, eISSN: 1976-7277
- Sajid M. Sheikh, R. Wolhuter, HE. Engelbrecht, “A Survey of Cross-Layer Protocols for IEEE802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, John Willey & Sons Ltd, USA, pages 1099-1131, 2016. DOI. 10.1002/dac.3129