PhD Educational Sciences Didactics of French as a Foreign Language Aix-Marseille Université
Mphil & MA Linguistics Didactics of French as a foreign language Université de Rouen
BA French as a foreign Language Université de la Reunion
BA French & English University of Botswana
Dr Phemelo Kewagamang is a lecturer of French as a Foreign Language at the University of Botswana since 2012. Her research focuses on teacher action and verbal interactions in foreign language classrooms as well as the methodology of teaching and learning foreign languages in multilingual contexts. Dr Kewagamang is a member of both the standing committee and national panel responsible for the conception and review of the French syllabus for public secondary schools in Botswana. She has also been instrumental in the training of French as a foreign language teachers in Botswana.
Proficiency In French as a Foreign Language
French for Specific Purposes (Business, tourism, international relations)
Didactics of French as a Foreign Language
French as a foreign language teaching
French as a foreign language teacher training
Multilingualism and Foreign Language teaching
Didactics of French as a Foreign Language
Kewagamang. P, & Kaome, B., (2020) Teaching French as a Foreign Language in Botswana Junior Secondary Schools: Progress, Challenges and Prospects. Lonaka JTL Vol 11 No1: 1-12
Chebanne A, & Kewagamang, P., (2020) A model for introducing marginalized indigenous languages in the Botswana Education System. Mosenodi Vol 23 No 1: 4-23
Kewagamang. P. ( 2018). Multilingual practices of French as a Foreign Language teachers in Botswana. Formen der Mehrsprachigkeit. p 181-196