MA Sustainable Place Making & Urban Design (Kingston University, London)
BSc Urban & Regional Planning (University of Botswana, Gaborone)
Mr. Nnyaladzi Tema is a Lecturer at the University of Botswana’s Department of Architecture and Planning, an Urban Planner & Urban Designer by profession. He holds a Master's Degree in Sustainable Place Making and Urban Design (MASPMUD)(2014) from Kingston University, London, UK. In his Master's Degree he specialised in Public Realm Design and Social Cohesion, and a recipient of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Student Prize Award upon graduation. As an emerging researcher, his work and interest focuses on Developing Sustainable Cities and Communities, Public Realm Design and Social Cohesion in the Global South, with particular emphasis on developing alternative protocols for shaping today's urban experiences. Currently he is working on his PhD, focussing on local experiences & creativity in space appropriation towards a developing a sustainable public realm design protocol.
Mr. Tema is an Urban Design specialist and community led urban planning protagonist. He has vast experience in local area planning and design, and strategic planning. He holds membership of the Pula Institute of Town Planners (currently serving as the Secretary General) and the Commonwealth Association of Planners. Currently, Mr. Tema is part of the PITP team engaging the Botswana Government on Urban Planning Reforms, and the significance of Urban Planning as a critical proffesion to the country's tranformative agenda.
Informal Settlement Upgrading
Urban Regeneration
Planning Ethics
Comparative Planning
Neighborhood Planning and Design
Evolving Settlements
Public Realm Design
Public Realm Design
Sutainable Place Making