- PhD in Engineering (Bio-fuels)
- MEng. in Industrial Engineering (Manufacturing Systems & Operations Management)
- BEng. in Industrial Engineering
Prof Jerekias Gandure has experience in manufacturing systems, operations management and bio fuels. His research interests are in productivity & process improvement, systems optimization and bio fuels development. He has played leadership roles in funded projects such as 'COVID-19 Projects' Funder: UB; Collaborative Open Design and Manufacture (CODM) to enhance Capacity in Product Design and Manufacture’ Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE, UK); ‘Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Partnerships’ Funder: RAE, UK; ‘Enriching Engineering Education Programme (EEEP)’ Funder: RAE, UK; ‘Biofuels Project’ Funder: Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE); ‘Botswana-Japan Jatropha Research Project’ Funder: MMGE & Government of Japan, ‘Biofuels research project’ Funder: ORD (UB); ‘Biofuels Research Finding Application into Service Delivery in Selected Rural Communities in Botswana’ Funder: ORD (UB); ‘and Marula research project’ Funder: ORD (UB) & UNDP. His professional and academic leadership roles include Head of Department, Board member (Faculty Executive Committee), Board member (Faculty Appointments, Promotions and Review Committee), Acting Head of Department, Acting Deputy Dean, Board member (School of Graduate Studies), Chair (Faculty Quality Assurance Committee), President (IEOM Botswana Chapter), Member (Botswana Bureau of Standard).
Teach courses in Industrial Engineering. Courses ever taught include the following:
- Operations Research I
- Operations Research II
- Operations Research (MSc)
- Simulation and Modeling
- Information System Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Logistics
- Industrial Quality Control
- Technological Entrepreneurship
- Renewable Energy
- Computer Aided Drafting
- Engineering Drawing.
- Productivity and process improvement
- Systems optimization
- Bio fuels
- Bio fuels
- Systems design and optimization
- Quality Management Systems
1. Impactio: https://www.impactio.com/researcher/jerekias-gandure
2. Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kbPGYUQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
3. Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jerekias_Gandure