
PhD, M. Eng & B. Eng (Civil Engineering), and HND (Building Technology)
Senior Lecturer
Professional Qualifications

Registered Engineer, Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria

Registered Engineer, Engineering Regulation Board, Botswana

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers

Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers

Member, Botswana Institution of Engineers, BIE &

Graduate Member, ICE, UK

Brief Biography

Dr Damilola Oyejobi is a PhD graduate of University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2017. After his PhD, he worked as a research fellow with the institution before he returned to University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Dr Oyejobi started his academic career as a Graduate assistant and resigned as a senior Lecturer from the services of University of Ilorin, Nigeria before he moved to University of Botswana where he currently teaches and conduct research.

He has supervised a number of doctoral and master students. He teaches Engineering Mechanics, strength of materials, Structural Analysis and reinforced concrete design both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. To his credit, he has authored quite number of peer-reviewed articles. He is a reviewer and external examiner to good numbers of journal publishers and institutions.

Teaching Areas

Analysis of Structures

Materials in Construction

Advanced Structural Analysis

Finite Element Analysis

Reinforced Concrete Design

Masonry and Timber Design


Engineering Mechanics

Mechanics of Materials

Research Areas

General civil engineering, alternative materials to cement and concrete, offshore structures, structural dynamics, structural analysis, optimization and system analysis, civil engineering software

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

New materials for construction

Analysis and design of concrete and steel structures

Analysis and design of geotechnical structures

Analysis and design of hydraulic structures

Analysis and design of highway structures

Numerical analysis of structural elements

Selected Publications
  1. Oyejobi, D. O, Jameel, M., Adewuyi, A., Aina, S., Avudaiappan, S., & Maureira-Carsalade, N. (2023). Analyzing Influence of Mix Design Constituents on Compressive Strength, Setting Times, and Workability of Geopolymer Mortar and Paste. Advances in Civil Engineering2023. P1-15. 15p
  2. Oyejobi, D. O., Adewuyi, A. P., Hassan, I. A., Suleiman, I., Oyebanji, Y. O., & Yusuf, S. O. (2023). Performance evaluation of fly-ash based geopolymer mortar. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  3. Oyejobi, D. O., Adewuyi, A. P., Yusuf, S. O., Oyebanji, Y. O., Suleiman, I., & Hassan, I. A. (2023). Performance of blended cement mortar modified with fly ash and copper slag. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  4. Ali Akbar Firoozi, Ali Asghar Firoozi, Damilola Oyejobi (2023) Enhancing Concrete Performance by Utilizing Crushed Glass And Waste Bottle Plastic Fibers for Improved Strength and Flexural Properties. Jurnal Teknologi, volume 85, issue 6, Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. P47-57. 11

In pursuit of academic excellence