MSc Applied Mathematics, (2009), University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
BSc General, (2007), University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.
I joined the University of Botswana as a lecturer in the department of mathematics in the year 2012. During my stay here I have taught undergraduate courses in the areas of linear algebra, numerical methods, engineering mathematics and computing. My research interest include numerical methods for solving linear algebraic systems and differential equations, Symmetries and conservation laws of differential equations.
My teaching areas include: Linear Algebra, Numerical methods, Engineering Mathematics.
My research areas include: Numerical methods, Symmetries and Conservation Laws of Differential Equations, Linear Algebra.
1. Mabenga C. (2018), Simulink: An efficient method for solving differential equations, Int. J. of Sci. and Eng. Research, 9 (10), 1734 -1738.
2. Mabenga C. and Tshelametse R. (2017), Stopping oscillations of a simple harmonic oscillator using an impulse force, Int. J. Adv. Math. and Mech., 5 (1) 1 - 6.
3. Tshelametse R. and Mabenga C. (2014), In solving the mass spring system with inhomogenous dirac delta function using the Laplace transform method, Int. J. of Eng. and Sci. Research, 2 (12), 31 - 43.