PhD (City, University of London)
MA (City, University of London)
BA (University of the West Indies (UWI))
Adv. Dipl., Mass Comm. (UWI)
Hopeton Dunn is Professor of Media and Communication and Graduate Co-ordinator in the Media Studies Department, University of Botswana. He is also Senior Research Associate (non resident), School of Communication, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He served for six years as Director of the Caribbean School of Media and Communication (CARIMAC) at the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Jamaica, and is the Founding Director of the Mona ICT Policy Centre at UWI. Professor Dunn is a former Secretary General of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), and currently serves as Chair of the Association's international judging panel for the biennial award of the Stuart Hall Prize. He is an active collaborator with UNESCO's Media and Information Literacy (MILL) programme.
Professor Dunn is a Research Fellow of the the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), based in Kampala, Uganda, and a member of the South African Communication Association (SACOMM).
He served for 10 years as Chairman of the regulatory Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica (BCJ), and for a similar period as Chairman of the government's Creative Production and Training Centre (CPTC), during which he established its training arm Media Technology Institute (MTI) and its affiliated cable channel Creative Television (CTV), now called JAMVISION.
Professor Dunn is a Law Magistrate and a Justice of the Peace for Kingston, Jamaica.
- Media and Communication Theories
- Media Policy, Regulation and Law
- Communication Research Methods
- History of World Media
- Media, Culture and Society
- Media Projects and Dissertations
Globalisation, Communication and Cultural Identity
Broadcasting Regulatory Reforms
Technology Policy and Development
Media and Information Literacy
New Media and the Global South
New Media and Development Strategies
International and Cross Cultural Communication
Telecommunications Policy
Political Communication
- Dunn, H.; Moyo, D., Lesitaokana, W. and Barnabas S. (Eds) (2020 in-press) – Reimagining Communication in Africa and the Caribbean: Media, Culture and Technology in the Global South, Palgrave Macmillan
- Robinson, Laura, Schultz, Jeremy and Dunn, Hopeton (Eds) (2017) – Digital Empowerment: Opportunities and Challenges of Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean, Emerald, UK (359 pages)
- Dunn, Hopeton (Ed) (2012) – Ringtones of Opportunity: Policy, Technology and Access in Caribbean Communications– Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston (paperback and e-book editions) (300 pgs.)
- Dunn, H (2020) Risking Identity: A Case Study of Jamaica's Short-lived National ID System, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, Emerald, June 2020, Pages 229 – 233
- Dunn H. and Lewis R. (2020) Peter Abrahams 100: Milestones in Literature, Media and Political Commentary. In Critical Arts, Unisa Press and Routledge Vol 34, No 1