- Doctor of Philosophy ( University of Cape Town)
- Master of Laws (University of London)
- Master of Arts (Labour Policies and Globalisation) Berlin School of Economics
Prof. Kholisani Solo is an Associate Professor at the University of Botswana, department of law. He has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Botswana, Master of Laws degree from the University College London and a Doctorate from the University of Cape Town. He has practised and taught law for more than fifteen years, published numerous articles, books and technical reports. He served on the Presidential Commission on Local Government Structure and has chaired several committees of enquiry. He was appointed to the position of High Court judge in 2010 until 2017. He has also participated in several consultancies related to law and human rights.
- Social Security Law
- Labour Relations Law
- Clinical Legal Education
- Criminal Procedure
- Evidence Law
- Administrative Law
- Social Security Law
- Labour Relations Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Evidence Law
- Administrative Law
- Labour Relations Law
- Social Security Law
Solo K., Security of Employment in the Public Service in Botswana (Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln. Germany 2009)
Solo K., & Ntseane D., Social Security Law International Encyclopedia of Laws (Kluwer Law International Netherlands September 2008) pp1-76
Solo K., & Ntseane D., Social Security and Social Protection in Botswana (Bay Publishing House Gaborone Botswana 2007)
Solo K., & Nsereko D., Legal Ethics in Botswana: Cases and Materials in Botswana (Impression House Gaborone Botswana 2004)
SoloK., Law of Evidence in Botswana: Cases and Materials (Associated Printers Gaborone Botswana 1994)
Solo K., and Ntseane D., Towards Adoption of a Human Rights based Framework for Social Protection in Botswana, Studies in Social Science Research Vol.1, No.2, 2020
Solo K., and Ntseane D., Interrogating the Administrative and Institutional Framework for Social Security Provisioning in Botswana: Prospects and Challenges (forthcoming Sept 2020)