LL.B ( University of Botswana)
LL.M ( King's College, London)
Ms. Jobeta received her Bachelor of Laws Degree in 1999 at the University of Botswana, Master of Laws in 2003 from King's College, University of London. Ms. Jobeta joined the University service in 2000 as a Staff Development Fellow where she is currently a lecturer with the Department of Law. Between September 2017 and July 2019, she was Acting Coordinator of the UB Legal Clinic.
Law of Persons
Family Law
Engineering Law
Social Work Law
Family Law and Child Law
The Best Interest of the Child Principle in Botswana Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018) 20-42 UBLJ
Double Marriages in Botswana: Possibilities, Implications and Comparative Perspectives (2015) 29 (1) International Journal of LAw, Policy and the Family 121-131
The Abolition of the Doctrine of Immutability in the Matrimonial Property Regime in Botswana Volume 17(2) (2013) UBLJ 65-71
Juvenile Justice in Botswana: Challenges and Constraints Facing Children in Conflict with the Law (2012) Thari Ya Bana (Reflections on Children in Botswana)