
Block 231/ Room 214
Professional Qualifications
- 1986-1986. Moeng College (O levels)
- 1989-1993. Bachelor of Education (Science)- BEd (Sc)- University of Botswana
- 1995-1998. Masters of Science in Chemistry (Natural Products). MSc – University of Botswana
Brief Biography
Mr. Maumo is currently a Lecturer in The Department of Primary Education, (Science). He started Teaching Chemistry from:
- 1993-1995: Chemistry Teacher at Swaneng Hill School
- 1995-1998; Teaching Assistant at Chemistry Department of University of Botswana
- 1998-1999: Science teacher at Sedibeng Junior Community in Mochudi
- 1999-2000: Chemistry Lecturer at Tonota College of education
- 2000 to Date : Science lecturer at Department of Primary Education of the University of Botswana
Teaching Areas
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
Methods Courses:
- Teaching Scientific Literacy in Primary Schools
- Games and Learning in Science/ Game Based Learning
- Use of Videos in Science Teaching
- Practical Work in Science Teaching
Research Areas
- Nature of Science in Science Teaching and Learning
- Game Based Learning
- Use of Videos in Teaching
Postgraduate Supervision Areas
Completed Projects:
- Co-Supervised One MEd Student
On Going Projects:
- Co-Supervised Two MEd Students
Selected Publications
- Marumo B., Marissa. R. & Vhurumuku.E. (2008). Botswana Primary Science Teachers Conceptions of the Nature of Science and Science Teaching: A Pilot Study, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the SAAMRSTE held on 14th-19th January 2008, Maseru, Lesotho
- Marumo.B., Vhurumuku. E. & Marissa. R (2009). Botswana primary science teachers’ ideas about science and science teaching. SAARMSTE Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual meeting of the SAAMRSTE held on 19th -22th January 2009, Rhodes University, South Africa.
- Marumo. B. & Pansiri. O. N. (2016). Early Withdrawals and Underperformances as indicators of poor Attention to Learner’s welfare: Botswana in 50 years of self- Rule. Journal of Educational Issues, Vol 2 (2), p331-348.
- Marumo. B. (2018). Student’s Views on the Use of their Own Videos in the Classroom Teaching; International Journal of Education and Social Science Research, Vol 1 (6).p 216-224.