BSc (Chemistry & Mathematics, UB), MSc (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, UB)
i have studied in UB from 2001 to 2003, went to persue a diploma in health science from University College Dublin, the completed my bachelor of science in mathematics and chemistry at the University of Botswana. i studied Msc (physical chemistry) from 2014 graduating in 2019.
Quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, molecular spectroscopy & experimental physical chemistry
Research in theoretical & computational chemistry using gausssian software package suit, examples of molecules for which computations are being done include dimethyl furan, and a series of n-alkonols. Performing computational jobs on the later structures like energy optimisations, DFT IR, GIAO NMR, potential energy surface scan, time dependent DFT, Hartree Fock, MP2, coupled cluster, configuration interaction models e.t.c
optimization, molecular interactions, computational IR & GIAO nmr spectroscopy... e.t.c