PhD in Civil Engineering with specialisation in Geotechnical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, 2007
MSc in Foundation Engineering, University of Birmingham, 1999
BEng in Civil Engineering, University of Botswana, 1995
Mahongo holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (University of Stellenbosch), M.Sc in Foundation Engineering (University of Birmingham, UK), and BEng in Civil engineering (University of Botswana). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Botswana. His main research interests are in the broad area of Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Reliability-Based Design. Some of his international professional service include: Member of the South African Working Group on International Standardisation Organisations Working Group (ISO TC98 SC2/WG1) for the revision of ISO 2394, Member of the International Working Group for drafting of Annex D of ISO 2394 (Reliability of Geotechnical Structures), Committee member for SABS SC 98A: Basis of structural design & actions, He is the recipient of Jennings Award 2014 for an author of a meritorious publication relevant to geotechnical engineering in South Africa.
- Soil Mechanics
- Foundation design
- Slope stability
- Earth retaining structures
- Reliability analysis and design
- Pile foundations
- Geotechnical reliability modelling
- Problem soils
- Pavement geotechnics
- Problem soils
- Pavement geotechnics
- Self-stabilization of calcrete
- Characterisation of collapse potential of Kalahari sand
- Application of reliability theory to development of codes of practice
- Statistical characterization of geotechnical parameters
Chapter in a Book
- Dithinde, M., Phoon, K.K., Ching, J., Zhang, L. M, and Retief, J. V. Chapter 5: Statistical Characterisation of Model Uncertainty, Eds. KK Phoon & J V Retief, Reliability of Geotechnical Structures in ISO 2394, CRC Press/ Balkema
- Phoon, K. K., Retief, J V., Ching, J,. Dithinde, M., T Schweckendiek, T., Wang, Y., Zhang, L. M. (2016). Some Observations on ISO2394:2015 Annex D (Reliability of Geotechnical Structures). Journal of Structural safety, Elsevier.
- Dithinde, M., and Retief, J.V. (2014). Model uncertainty partial factors for ultimate limit state design for pile foundations. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, Vol 56, No.2, August, 2014, pages 37 - 45.
- Dithinde, M., Phoon. K. K., De Wet, M., and Retief, J. V. (2011). Characterisation of Model Uncertainty in the Static Pile Design Formula. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, vol.137. No. 1, pp 86-93.