Duties: Successful candidates will be required to assist with the teaching of courses in the Architecture program.
Duties: Successful candidates will be required to assist with the Planning Studios, Planning Techniques and Theoretical courses, practical, labs and tutorials in Urban and Regional Planning and carry out any other duties assigned by the HOD.
Applications are invited for the position of Real Estate Demonstrator/Teaching Assistant in the Department of Architecture& Planning.
Applications are invited for the position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architectu
The successful candidate is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in Real Estate with specialization in any of the following fields: land administration, valuation, facilities management, rating, estate agency or property development appraisal. The Department reserves the right to allocate other courses besides those outlined above.
Six (6) months
The successful candidate is expected to: i) Teach undergraduate level courses in Real Estate which comprises any of the following fields: valuation, facilities management, rating, estate agency, housing economies, land economics and/or property development appraisal. The Department reserves the right to allocate other courses besides those outlined above; ii) undertake any other duties assigned to him/ her by the supervisor or head of the department
Successful candidates will be required to (i) assist with the teaching of Urban and Regional Planning Design Studio, and Tutorials in the respective subjects; (ii) Assist in marking Studio Projects and Reports, Assignments, Tutorials; and (iii) perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Head of Department.