Bachelor of Finance

Level 100

Semester 1

Core Courses

COM121 Communication and Academic Literacy Skills (3)
ICT121 Computer Skills Fundamentals I (2)
ECO111 Basic Microeconomics (3)
MGT100 Principles of Management (3)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
STA101 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I (3)
STA116 Introduction to Statistics (4)

Semester 2

Core Courses

Bachelor of Accountancy

Level 100

Semester 1

Core Courses

COM121 Communication and Academic Literacy Skills (3)
BIS 100 Introduction to Information Systems (3)
ECO111 Basic Microeconomics (3)
MGT100 Principles of Management (3)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3
STA101 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I (3)

Semester 2

Core Courses

Accounting and Finance

The Department offers three-degree programmes: Bachelor of Accountancy, Bachelor of Finance and Bachelor of Information Systems (Business Information Systems). The department also offers combined major programs in collaboration with other departments of the University. The department also plays the role of Academic Advisor to the Center of Continuing Education (CCE), which runs the part-time Diploma in business studies and the distance education degree programmes in Accounting and finance

In pursuit of academic excellence