Office of Research and Development (ORD)

Do you need support for your research or want to know about research at UB? We are the research hub with a dynamic team of research management professionals. Our integrated suite of services is available to university staff, students and external stakeholders.

We coordinate the implementation of the University research strategy towards the realisation of the University’s research intensification. Our mandate is to develop policies, strategies, guidelines, systems and processes to enable the attainment of the University's vision and mission.

 Our key functions include supporting faculties and departments to implement their research agendas; developing research contracts and agreements; providing funding opportunities; research performance and quality management; maintaining and provision of research information, monitoring and promoting ethical practices in research; and provision of guidance and services for commercialization of research output.

The knowledge economy beckons, let us drive you there!


 Our contacts;

Director   Mr Olebile Bolobilwe (267)3552901

Centre Administrator Mr Molefe Rantsudu (267)3552904

Asst. Director, Ethics Dr Dimpho Ralefala (267)3552911

Asst. Director, Grants & Contracts  Mr Olebile Bolobilwe (267) 355 4700

Asst. Director, Commercialisation & Consultancies Dr Nthoiwa Kereilemang  (267) 355 2061

Online Systems Support Manager Mr Kenneth Kavuna (267)3552016

Office contacts: Ms C. Gilika  (267)3552900

Physical location:

Block 243, room 150

4775 Notwane Road, Gaborone, Botswana

In pursuit of academic excellence