Musa W. Dube & Robert S. Wafula (Eds). Postcoloniality, Translation and the Bible in Africa. Oregon: Pickwick Publications & Wipf & Stock Publishers, pp. 236, 2017 ISBN-10 1498295142 & ISBN-13 9781498295147

Edited Journals
- Amanze, James. Editor-in-Chief. BOLESWA: Journal of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. 4(3): March, 2017.
- Haron, M. Editor-in-Chief. Research Africa Reviews. 1(1): June. Duke University. Online:
- Haron, M. Editor-in-Chief. Research Africa Reviews. 1(2): September. Duke University. Online:
- Haron, M. Editor-in-Chief. Research Africa Reviews. 1(3): December. Duke University. Online:
Book Chapters
- Amanze, J. ‘Worship or entertainment? An appraisal of the liturgy of the Pentecostal-charismatic – fire churches in Africa.’ In Neo-Pentecostalism in Southern Africa-some critical reflections (Ed. Hermen Kroesberge). Wellington, South Africa: Christian Literature Fund, pp. 28-43, 2017.
- Amanze, J ‘Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland.’ In Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa (Eds. Kenneth R. Ross et al). Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press, pp. 55-66, 2017.
- Dube, M.W. ‘Silenced Nights, Bible in Translation and the African Contact Zones.’ In Postcoloniality, Translation and the Bible in Africa (Eds. Musa W. Dube & Robert S. Wafula). Oregon: Pickwick Publications. 2017.
- Dube, MW. ‘And Sarah Laughed: Postcolonial Biblical Perspectives on Aging.’ In Religion and Aging: Intercultural Explorations, Contact Zone Series, Germany: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, pp.121-138, 2017.
- Dube, Musa W. ‘Dinah (Genesis 34) at the Contact Zone: Shall our Sister Become a Whore?’. In Feminist Frameworks (Eds. Juliana Classens & Carolyn Sharp). London: T& T Clark, pp.39-57, 2017.
- Dube, MW. ‘Consuming A Colonial Cultural Bomb: Translating Badimo into ‘Demons’ in the Setswana Bible (Matthew 8. 28-34, 15.22; 10:8).’ In Postcoloniality, Translation and the Bible in Africa. Oregon: Pickwick Publications, pp. 3-25, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Botswana’s Religious Demographics: A Comparative Insight into its 2001 and 2011 Censuses.’ In Yearbook of International Religious Demography (Eds. Brian Grimm et al). Leiden: EJ. Brill. Ch. 3 pp.97-107, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘The Early Cape Muslims (circa 1653 to 1834).’ In Good Hope, South Africa and the Netherlands from 1600 (Ed. M. Holtrop). Amsterdam; Rijksmuseum. Ch. 9 pp.137-145, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Imam Abdullah Haron.’ In Encyclopedia of Islam (Eds. Kate Fleet et al). Leiden: E.J. Brill Vol. 3 pp.102-103, 2017.
- Kebaneilwe M.D., ‘Paddling the Bellowing waters Away from the Margins: African Perspectives on Proverbs 31.’ In The Bible, Centres and Margins: Dialogues Between Postcolonial African and UK Biblical Scholars (Eds. J. Stiebert Bloomsbury: T&T Clark, pp???, 2017.
- Kgalemang, M. ‘Novel Biblical Translations of Ngugi wa Thiongo.’ In Postcoloniality, Translation and the Bible in Africa (Eds MW Dube and RS Wafula). Pickwick Publications, pp.176-191, 2017.
Journal Articles: Refereed
- Amanze, J. ‘The Global Ethic and African conceptions of social justice, Law and order: An appraisal.’ In BOLESWA: Journal of Theology, Religion and Philosophy. 4(3): 7-16, March 2017.
- Amanze, J. ‘From Mozambique to Cape Town and murdered in Zimbabwe: The martyrdom of Bernard Mizeki, the seed of the church in Mashonaland (1861-1896).’ In Journal of African Christian Biography. 2(4): 5-8, October 2017.
- Dube, MW; T. Modie-Moroka, SD Setume, S. Ntleodibe, M. Kgalemang, RM Gabaitse, T. Madigele, S. Mmolai, EP Motswapong, M. Kebaneilwe, & D. Sesiro. ‘Botho/Ubuntu: Community-building and Gender Constructions in Botswana.’ In Journal of the Interdenominational Center. 42:1-22, 2016 [appeared in 2017]
- Dube, MW. ‘Refusing to Read: Drinking Bush Tea with Number One Lady Detectives.’ In Journal of the Interdenominational Center. 42: 23-42, 2016. [appeared in 2017]
- Haron, M. ‘Drawing on African Muslims’ Intangible Assets: Doing Jihad against Climate Change.’ In The Ecumenical Review 69(3):348-261, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘South Africa’s Muslims and Extremism: An Alternative Interpretation: A Review Essay.’ In Research Africa Review. 1(3): 22-29, December, 2017.
- Haron, M. South Africa’s Orient Islamic Educational Institute and Its Integrated Schooling System: A Review Essay. 2017. In Research Africa Review. 1(1): 6-17, June, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘A Balanced Exposé?: Capturing the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIL).’ In Islam and Muslim Societies: A Social Science Journal 10(1): 40-55, 2017.
- Haron. M. ‘South Africa’s Muslim Community: Marginalized by Apartheid, Recognized by Democracy.’ In Journal of Yeni Turkiye (New Turkey Strategic Research Center, Ankara) 97: 301-326, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Angola Musulmanlari:Ideallar ve Gerceklikler Arasinda.’ In Journal of Yeni Turkiye. 97: 432-436, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Botswana Musulmanlari: Cagdas Profili.’ In Journal of Yeni Turkiye. 97: 463-479, 2017.
- Ikpe, IB. ‘Mediating Conflicts, Promoting Peace and Preserving Relationships: Lessons from Traditional African Justice Systems.’ In Journal for Peace and Justice Studies. 26(2): 42-64, 2017.
- Ikpe, IB. ‘Confronting a Culture of Silence in an African Classroom: An Exercise in Philosophical Practice.’ In Journal of Humanities Therapy. 8(1): 1-24, 2017.
- Kebaneilwe, MD & EP Motswapong. ‘Many Paths one God: Revisiting Ecumenism in the era of religious Pluralism in Botswana.’ In BOLESWA: Journal of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. 4(2): 2017.
- Motswapong, E.P. ‘Understanding Draupadi as a Model of Gender and Resistance.’ In Stellenbosch Theology Journal. ?(?):, ????, 2017.
- Nkomazana, F. ‘Crossing Boundaries: Pentecostal Asia – Africa Networks & Connections in the Context of Botswana.’ In BOLESWA Journal of Theology, Religion & Philosophy, 4(3): 206-215, 2017.
- Setume, SD, RM Gabaitse, MW Dube, M. Kgalemang, T. Modie-Moroka, T. Madigela, MD Kebaneiliwe, EP Motswapong, & AKM Matebekwane. ‘Exploring the concept of Botho/Ubuntu through bridal showers in the urban space, Gaborone, Botswana.’ In Managing Development in Africa. 2(3): 2017.
- Togarasei, L. ‘Parenting as Paul’s style/model of leadership: some insights for Christian leadership in communities of faith.’ In Scriptura. 116(1): 1-15, 2017.
- Togarasei L. ‘The Prophet and Divine Manifestation: on the translation of ‘prophet’ in the Shona Union Bible.’ In Old Testament Essays. 30(3): 819-832, 2017.
Conference Proceedings and Reports
- Haron, M. South African Muslim Philanthropists and Humanitarian Organizations: Making a Difference, Making a Mark. 2017. In E-Proceedings of the Conference on Philanthropy for Humanitarian Aid (23-24 May 2017) (Eds. Nozalina Zainudin, Ahmad F. Suhaimi, & Syarif N. A. Nasaruddin). Brunei: Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA). Ch. 4 pp.50-61. 2017. e-ISBN 978-967-2122-01-2.
- Haron M (co-authored). ‘Beyond a Report (on): The Rise of Islamic Extremism in (and beyond) Africa (10-11 March 2016).’ In African Association of the Study of Religion Bulletin. 45: 39-54, November, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘The First International Conference on ‘Current Trends in The Middle East’: University of Technology Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), 3-5 April 2017. In American Journal for Islamic Social Sciences 34(3): 151-154, 2017.
Book Reviews, Editorials, and Obituaries
- Haron, M. ‘Abu Aa-isha, M. Adil. 2013. The Imam and his Diary (1904-1928).’ In Research Africa Reviews. 1(1): 26-28, June 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Editorial Voice: ‘Its Digital Platform and Reviews Segment’. In Research Africa Reviews. 1(1): 1-5, June, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Editorial Voice: Reviewing Works, Moving Ahead’. In Research Africa Reviews. 1(1): 1-5, September, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘Editorial Voice: ‘The Reviewing Process: A Case of A Luta Continua’. In Research Africa Reviews. 1(3): 1-5, December, 2017.
- Haron, M. ‘South Africa’s Ahmad Kathrada (1929-2017): A Man of Substance and Principles.’ In Islamic Horizons. p.60 July/August, 2017.
Conference & Seminar Presentations
- Dube MW. Postcolonial Mission Avenues: The Past, the Present and the Future in Africa: Keynote Address. Postcolonialism and Theology (of Mission). Frankfurt, Institut für Weltkirche und Mission, 29 – 31 March 2017.
- Dube MW. Mother Economies: Botho//Ubuntu and Community Building in the Urban Space, A Focus on Naomi//Laban, Bridal and Baby Showers,” Abidjan, Cote de Ivore, 3-6, March 2017
- Dube MW. Remembering The Teacherly Moments of the HIV and AIDS Texts. UB TRS Seminar Presentation: October, 12th 2017.
- Dube MW. Death Zone Teaching: Re-membering the HIV/AIDS Teacherly Moments,: Keynote Address. University of Gutenberg, Mainz Germany Oct, 26, 2017.
- Dube MW. Unsettling Patriarchy in Gaborone Based Showers. Botho Project Workshop (Pula Special Issue). UB 253 Committee Room, Oct 10, 2017.
- Haron, M South African Muslim Philanthropists and Humanitarian Organizations: Making a Difference, Making a Mark. Conference of Philanthropy for Humanitarian Aid. Brunei: UNISSA 23-24 May 2017.
- Haron, M Muslim Authorities and Africa’s Ahmadis: Issuing Legal Opinions, Circumscribing Religious Action. ACLARS 5th Law, Religion, and Security Conference. Rabat 14-17 May 2017.
- Haron, M Qibla Mass Movement and its Leadership: Engaging with the Quran in an African Setting. The 10th International Conference on Quranic Researchers. Qum 24 April 2017.
- Haron, M Southern Africa’s Experience of Muslim Da’wah (circa 1860s-2010s): Muslim Activism, Religious Transformation. International Conference on ‘Islam in Africa: Past, Present, and The Future’ Istanbul: The Foundation for Research in Islamic Sciences and Istanbul Medeniyet University. 22-23 April 2017.
- Haron, M Middle East’s ISIS and Sunni-Shi’ite Divide: Their Impact on (Southern) Africa’s Muslim Communities. The First International Conference on Current Trends in The Middle East: University of Technology Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), 3-5 April 2017.
- Haron, M Researching and Recording Southern African Communities’ fight against HIV/Aids Pandemic: Towards a Bibliography. BOLESWA Conference National University of Lesotho. 18-19 March 2017.
- Haron, M Evaluating and Comparing the Murabitun and Haeriyyun: Reflections of Contemporary South African Sufism. Transitional Sufism in Contemporary Societies: Reconfiguring Practices, Narratives and Boundaries. Giorgio Gini Foundation, Venice 9-11 November 2017.
- Kebaneliwe, M. Struggling with Esther; HIV and AIDS and Declining Socio-economic Conditions of Botswana. BOLESWA Conference: National University of Lesotho 17-18 March 2017.
- Kebaneilwe, M. Migration and Religion: Lessons from the Gutsy Strangers of the Book of Ruth. ATISCA conference held at the University of Zimbabwe 18-22 July 2017.
- Motswapong, EP. Of Cougars and Blessers :An enemy or an ally in the fight against AIDS pandemic in Botswana. BOLESWA Conference. National University of Lesotho 17-18 March 2017.
- Motswapong, EP. Exploring the concept of botho/ubuntu through baby showers in the urban space, Gaborone, Botswana . UB Library 4 April 2017.
- Setume, SD. Exploring the concept of botho/ubuntu through bridal showers in the urban space, Gaborone, Botswana. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivore 5-12 March 2017
- Setume, SD. Religious values and the development of marital relationships in Botswana from independence to date. A Joint Conference of the Association of Theological Institutions in Southern and Central Africa (ATISCA), Bread for the World, Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) and All Africa Council of Churches (AACC), University of Zimbabwe, Harare, 18-22 July 2017.
- Setume, SD. HIV and AIDS knowledge and attitudes among Form Three Junior Secondary Schools in Kweneng District. BOLESWA conference held at the National University of Lesotho 17-18 March 2017.
- Tabalaka, A. Ubuntu/Botho and Corporate Social Responsibility in Southern Africa. St Augustine Doctoral Seminar. 28/08/2017.
- Togarasei, L. The Kingdom of God and Church Planting. Anglican Diocese of Harare Annual Theological Academy, Darwendale, Zimbabwe, 31 July to 4 August 2017.
- Togarasei, L. The Kingdom of God in the New Testament: Keynote Address.Anglican Diocese of Harare Annual Theological Academy, ZIPAM Darwendale, Zimbabwe, 31 July to 4 August 2017.
- Togarasei, L & L. Moeti, Some leadership lessons from Ezra-Nehemiah for African development (presented at ATISCA conference, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, 18-21 July 2017
- Togarasei, L, Rallying Africa (especially African men) for HIV response: a bird’s eye view of the work of Ezra Chitando (presented at the TRS department seminar, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 11 April 2017.
Collaborative Research Projects
- Dube, MW with Dr. Johanna Stiebert. Biblical Studies in Southern Africa and the UK in Dialogue: Trends and Challenges. With others in TRS Department (Mmapula Kebaneilwe, Rose Gabaitse & Malebogo Kgalemang) Funded Collaborative Research Projects: Grant: P140 000. Outcomes: Articles in Journals and Edited Book Ms (Submitted to T & T Clark, August 2017).
- Dube, MW Botho-Ubuntu and Community in the Urban space: An Exploration of Naomi, Laban, Baby and Bridal Showers in Gaborone. With Tirelo Modie Moroka, Senzokuhle D. Setume, Seratwa Ntloedibe, Malebogo Kgalemang, Rose Gabaitse, Tshenolo Madigele, Sana Mmolai , Lizzie Motswapong, Mmapula Kebaneilwe and Doreen Sesiro). Funded Collaborative Research Projects Grant: P300 000. Fieldwork Work: Completed March 2017 & Data Analysis and Writing: Ongoing 2017-2018.
- Togarasei, L. The impact of religious beliefs on health seeking and health provision behaviors: lessons for theological education review at the University of Botswana. With Sana Mmolai, Abel Tabalaka, Tshenolo Madigele, Rebecca Kubanji, Lesego Gabaitiri, Amon Marwiro and Rijk van Dijk. Grant: Nagel Institute, Africa Theological Advance Project: P550 000, 2018- 2020.