Faculty of Medicine

Is Medicine your passion? Or is it cutting-edge biomedical research? Medicine is a rare combination of art and science. Whether you want to study it at basic or postgraduate level, or you want to explore frontiers of biomedical science and technology, or you see yourself as part of the institution’s team of dedicated medical and biomedical academics, the Faculty is tailor-made for you. Your stay with us will change your life; you will become a life-long learner and critical thinker. Employing up-to-date teaching, learning, and technology approaches in all its offerings, the Faculty boasts of quality undergraduate and post-graduate programmes, which are in compliance with international standards and best practices. Our alumni are thus renowned as socially accountable, grounded clinicians, change agents, and avid researchers.

Contact us for more information: fomenquiries@ub.ac.bw


Faculty Leadership

Staff Profiles

Name Position Department
Ms Anikie Mathoma Manager, Research Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Keikantse Matlhagela Senior Lecturer Biomedical Sciences
Mrs Gofentseone Matsaunyane Personal Secretary Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine
Dr. Tiny Mazhani Lecturer Paediatrics and Adolescent Health
Dr Deogratias Ongona Mbuka Senior Lecturer Family Medicine & Public Health
Dr. Ndiwo Baisana Memo Lecturer Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Prof. Wally Miller Head of Department Radiology
Miss Keneilwe Nkgola Mmopi Lecturer Biomedical Sciences
Mr. Moagisi Mogalakwe Faculty Administrator Faculty of Medicine
Mr. Solomon Mogapi Administrative Officer Family Medicine & Public Health
contact us

+267 355 4189

Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital

In pursuit of academic excellence