Mechanical Engineering is the most exciting branch of engineering" - you may have heard this statement from mechanical engineering students, graduates or practicing engineers. Surprise? Certainly not. It is simply the truth! We can prove it in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Botswana.

We can prove it to all potential and actual students by offering them a thrilling, dynamic and up-to-date undergraduate programme (B.Eng.) and a postgraduate programme, the MSc. (Mechanical Engineering). The curriculum of the B.Eng. programme covers a wide range of fundamental courses, being the core of mechanical engineering science. There is however also a chance for students to develop special interests in a variety of topics. This is fulfilled by optional courses dealing with specific aspects of mechanical engineering theory and applications, and also by elective courses to be chosen from other engineering programmes. General Education courses are also a vital element of the programme in order to broaden the perspective of the future engineer. The UB system is flexible enough also to offer combined degrees with other engineering or science-based programmes. The MSc. (Mechanical Engineering) programme covers 4 streams namely: Manufacturing, Energy & Process Engineering Systems, Engineering Management and Control Systems.

We can also show that mechanical engineering is the most exciting branch of engineering in our well equipped labs and workshops where we have added to the traditional tools of metalworking and power machinery the sophisticated equipment based on desktops, laptops, palmtops and the other information technology driven tools that engineers use. Our graduates work in a number of industries, in consulting companies and in government, as either managers or specialists.


Our Facilities

Modern facilities for your undergraduate or postgraduate projects and experimentation.

Staff Profile

Name Position Department
Mr. Robert Ogolotse Monageng Senior Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Bathata Montshiwa Technician Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Patrick Mosetlhe Senior Technician Mechanical Engineering
Prof Oboetswe Seraga Motsamai Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering
Prof Kevin Nnanye Nwaigwe Chair, Faculty Quality Assurance Committee (FETQAC) Mechanical Engineering
Ms. Tawha Peter Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Isaac Pitso Senior Technician Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Lone N/A Seboni Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
Mr. David Sedupane Chief Technician Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Obusitswe Makgotla Seretse Senior Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
contact us

+267 355 4206 

Block 248/174

In pursuit of academic excellence