Staff Profiles

Name Position Department
Mrs. Gaone Galekhutle-Zharare Accounts Assistant, Cash and Final Accounts
Mr Meleko Galelebalwe Database Tech Okavango Research Institute
Dr. Gaofetoge Ntshadi Ganamotse Lecturer Management
Ms. Petunia Gomotsang Gaoalafe Lecturer Architecture and Planning
Mr. Tumelo Gaobotlhoko Protection Services Assistant Campus Services
Mr. Gobakwe Ford Gaogane Faculty Administrator Faculty of Education
Dr. Tendani Gaolathe Lecturer Internal Medicine
Miss Goitseone Gaonnwe Assistant Manager, Accounts Receivable (Student Debtors) Financial Services
Mrs. Lucia Gaonyadiwe Secretary
Ms. Julia Gaorekwe Administrative Assistant Office of Research and Development

In pursuit of academic excellence