Senior Lecturer
Location: 248/212
LLB (AAU), LLM (University of Ghent)
Teaching areas include:
Research areas include:
Bahta, T.H (2018), “Conflicting Legal Regimes Vying for Application: The Old Administrative Contracts Law or The Modern Public Procurement Law for Ethiopia”, African Public Procurement Law Journal, Vol.4, No.1, available at; University of Stellenbosch, African Procurement Law Unit (APLU), South Africa.
Bahta, T.H (2016), ‘Framework Procurement Contracts in the Ethiopian Public Procurement Law’, Public Procurement Law Review, Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell: UK., Vol.25, No.2, pp. 35-50
Bahta, T.H (2012), ‘Complaints Review and Remedies under the Federal Government Procurement Law in Ethiopia’, Public Procurement Law Review, Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell: UK., Vol.21, No.5, pp.188-203
Bahta, T.H (2011), ‘Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Civil and Commercial Matters in Ethiopia’, Mizan Law Review, Vol.5, No.1, pp.105-140