Lecturer & CDL Coordinator
Location: 247/380
2019 PhD, Human Development and Family Studies. UConn, Connecticut - USA
2018 Grad. Cert. in Culture, Health, and Human Development. UConn Connecticut - USA
2010 MS in Family and Consumer Sciences. BSU - Indiana, USA
2004 Master of Education (Ed. Mnagt). UB, Botswana
Human development across lifespan
Early childhood development
Parenting and socialization
Culture and indigenous knowledge in ECD
ECD curriculum development and activity planning
Management and Administration of ECD programs
Child Development
Early childhood curriculum and instruction
Quality of early childhood programs
Culture and learning
Management of ECE programs
Tsamaase, M. M., Harkness, S. & Super, C. M. (Accepted, 20 March 2020). Grandmothers’ Developmental Expectations for Early Childhood in Botswana. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.
Tsamaase, M. M. (2019). Developmental Timetables of Urban and Rural Parents, Grandmothers, and Teachers in Botswana. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA.
Brandon, D. P., Tsamaase, M., Humphrey, R. & Crenshaw, K. (2018). Urban extension’s new traditional offering: Parent-child reading enhancement program. Journal of Extension. 56(1), 1-7.
Maunganidze, L. & Tsamaase, M. (2014). Early childhood education in Botswana: A case of fragmented “Fits.” International Education Studies. 7(5), 1 - 7.
Bose, K.,Tsamaase, M.,& Seetso, G. (2013). Teaching of Science and Mathematics