Location: Indoor Sport Centre, Room 3030
B.Ed - Physical & Health Education (Ahmadu Bello University)
M.Ed - Physical Education (University of Benin)
PhD - Physical Education (University of Benin)
Professor Shehu joined the University of Botswana in 2004 and was Head of Department from 2008-2014. Previously, he had taught at the University of Benin (Nigeria), Kenyatta University (Kenya) and the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). He was formerly Deputy Director of Operations, Centre for Advanced Social Science, Port Harcourt.
Research Methodology
Contemporary Issues in Physical Education, Sport, Recreation & Leisure
Measurement, Evaluation and Statistical Procedures for Physical Education and Sports
Sports and Culture
Sport Biomechanics
Sociology of Sport
Philosophical Basis of Physical Education & Sport
Physical Education Teaching Methodology
Physical Education Curriculum Development
Sport Coaching Techniques
Supervision in Physical Education & Sport
Table Tennis
My research interests straddle the domains of cognitive science, cultural studies, and sport pedagogy; for instance, the application of cognitive science to physical education curriculum and instructional design, as well as the intersections of perceptual, contextual and biophysical factors in learning, decision making and problem solving in sporting situations. My work draws on methods and theories of cultural studies to explore policies and discourses about sport and sportspeople.
Research drawing on pedagogical and cultural studies to explore policies about sport and athletes; and how values, moral claims, religiosity, social norms and body politics inform and shape embodiment, doping, self-efficacy, coaching methodology, motivation, cognition, decision making, identity formation and intersectional inequities in sport. Current research is on how neo-liberalism, social construction of human bodies and fat-shaming intertwine in physical activity consumption and exclusion
Shehu J. (2020) “The Magical Economy of the Botswana Local Football League”. In C. Onwumechili (Ed.). Africa’s Elite Football Structure, Politics, and Everyday Challenges (pp. 1-20). London: Routledge.
Shehu, J. (2020). Governmentality and Gender Equality Politics In African Women’s Football: A Discourse Analysis Of Selected Media Texts. Presented at the Football Feminism: Global Governance Perspectives Symposium. New York University School of Law February 23-24, 2020.
Shehu J. (2019) African Women in Sports. In: Yacob-Haliso O., Falola T. (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of African Women's Studies (pp. 1-18). Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.