Senior Lecturer
Location: 244 E/62
MPhil, SOAS (University of London)
MA, SOAS (University of London)
PGDE, (University of Botswana)
BA Humanities (History and English), (University of Botswana)
I have 25 years teaching history at the University of Botswana and have engaged in various teaching, research and community activities. I have supervised a considerable number of undergraduate research essays. I have also served the Department of History and Faculty of Humanities on various Committees of the University. I am a member of the Democracy Research Project which based here at the University of Botswana. The body has done extensive research on Botswana Democracy and in that sense contributing to community and to national development. Presented academic papers at. International conferences. In 2018, I was part of the History Department research team on a study commissioned Debswana Diamond Company to Determine if there was any Historical Relocation to make way for Orapa, Letlhakane, Damtshaa and Jwaneng mines in Botswana.
History of Botswana( Pre- Colonial, Colonial and Post colonial periods). The area raises the historical reconstruction of the people of the area of Botswana over ages, and reconstruction of social and environmental change as well as of the growth of forms of political organisations.
History of North Africa ( Essentially a comparison of French and British Colonialism
General History of Africa (African civilisations, Atlantic slave period up to Africa's colonisation.
Political History of Botswana; Contemporary Chieftainship in Botswana; Nationalism and Islam in North Africa; Labour movements in Algeria and Tunisia; Algerian War of Independence
North African Politics with particular reference to Wars of liberation. Middle East Politics. The political history of Botswana from the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial. Liberation History of Southern Africa.
The Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 and its Linkage to the Algerian War of Independence, The Maghreb Review Journal, Volume 44, No. 1, 2019, pp.3-15.
The End of the Algerian War of Independence: British Interest, The Maghreb Review Journal, Volume 41, No.3, 2016, pp.371-394.
The Sakiet Sidi Youssef incident of 1958 in Tunisia and the Anglo-American 'Good Offices' mission, The Journal of North African Studies, Volume 17, Number 2, 2012, pp.355-371.
'Knight Maripe (1927-2006)', in The International Encyclopedia of Protest and Revolution: 1500 to Present, Volume V, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Limited, pp. 2220-2222.
'Parliament', in Zibani Maundeni (ed.), Transparency Accountability and Corruption in Botswana, Cape Town: Made Plain Communications, 2008.
The decline in the role of Chieftainship in elections,Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Volume 14 Number 1, 2000, pp.65-75.