Professor (Full)
Location: 248/184
Prof. V. P. Kommula is currently working as Professor (Full) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Botswana. He has more than 21+ years of teaching experience and served in various positions with different universities in countries like India, Malaysia Republic of South Africa and Botswana. He teaches courses related to Design, Materials, Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, CAD/CAM/CIM at undergraduate level. He teaches and supervises postgraduate students in Engineering Management and Manufacturing streams. His active research areas are Natural fiber composite Materials, Lean Manufacturing, Productivity Improvement, and Lean Six Sigma. He has specific interest in Engineering Education.
B.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering) - Courses related to Design; Materials and Manufacturing, CAD/CAM/CIM
B.Eng. (Industrial Engineering) - All courses
MSc. (Mechanical Engineering) - Streams: Engineering Management ; Manufacturing
Major research areas listed below:
PhD. (Mechanical Engineering) - Materials and Manufacturing; Engineering Management; Industrial Engineering
Areas of Postgraduate Supervision:
Materials and Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing
Lean Six Sigma
Engineering Management
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