Senior Lecturer
Location: 247/409
BA Humanities (1995) University of Botswana
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (1996) University of Botswana
MA in Language Studies (1998) University of Lancaster, UK
PhD in Linguistics (2007) University of Lancaster, UK
Dr. Sibonile Edith Ellece is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English. She specializes in Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender and Language, and teaches a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses that broadly cover introductory linguistics, English grammar, pragmatics, and discourse analysis.She has published widely in the areas of Gender and Language and Critical Discourse Analysis. She has also authored a number of book chapters, and co-authored and co-edited a number of books . Her main research focus is on the intersection of gender, language, sexuality and the cultural institution of marriage and related practices. Dr. Ellece has been Editor in Chief of Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies since 2012 and has transformed it from a print-based journal to a fully online one . She is also Associate Editor of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language . In addition, she is a member of the editorial boards of Gender and Language and Gender and Education. She is a dedicated reviewer for a number of local and international journals, among which are Discourse Studies, Discourse and Society, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Critical Discourse Studies, Agenda, Feminist Formations, South African Journal of African Languages, Marang and Mosenodi. She has also been a moderator for University of Botswana Affiliated Colleges as well as a member of the Botswana English Panel which is responsible for the periodic revision of the BGCSE English syllabus.
Dr. Ellece has a wealth of experience teaching at institutions of higher learning. Her teaching at the University spans 24 years. She has also taught short courses at Koblenz-Landau in Germany and Lancaster University, UK. She has taught in the area of descriptive linguistics, , and in sociolinguistics, with a focus on discourse analysis and the gender and language interface. She has also taught professional short courses in critical thinking and advanced oral presentations in CSSU.
Marriage Discourses, Gender, Language and Sexuality, Language and Power in traditional/cultural settings.
Dr. Ellece has successfully supervised a number of Masters projects in the area of Discourse Analysis with a focus on gender, politics and the media. She is currently supervising a PhD student who is working on a critical discourse analysis of media representation of political actors in Nigeria. Her greatest supervision strength is in critical discourse analysis and gender.
Journal Articles:
Ellece S. E. (2012). The Placenta of the Nation: Motherhood Discourses in Tswana Marriage Ceremonies. Gender and Language, 6(1)
Ellece, S. E. (2011). Be a Fool Like Me: Gender Construction in the Tswana Marriage Advice Ceremony. Agenda 25(1)
Atanga, L., Ellece S. E., Sunderland, J & Litosseliti L. (eds.) (2013). Gender and Language in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tradition, Struggle and Change. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Baker, P. & Ellece S. (2011). Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. London and New York: Continuum. ( Trans. Japanese 2018 and partial Mandarin 2016).
Book Chapters
Ellece S. E. ( fc. 2020). Homophobia and the Media: A Sample Critical Discourse Analysis. In Kira Hall & Rusty Barrett (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford.
Ellece S. E. (2011). Gender and Cultural Identity in a Television Show in Botswana. In Anchimbe & Mforteh (eds.) Post-colonial Linguistic Voices. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.